Ten, Hello again! How is everyone?

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Dinner went like a breeze. No hero showed, made it very peaceful, despite two opposing people living under the same roof. All was peaceful for the night until Deku woke up from the sound of grunts and silent cry.

He opened his eyes and looked at the source of the sounds, Izuku. He was having a nightmare. " Hey," He called. " Hey," He called again, louder this time. He sat and stood, walking over to Izuku's bed, sitting beside his sleeping figure. " Wake up." He said, shaking Izuku gently. He tried again, harder this time. " Tch. WAKE UP!" He yelled, shaking Izuku furiously. " AHH! Wha- what? Me? I mean, 'D-Deku'??"

" It's me... I mean you?" He added as an afterthought. Before looking back at Izuku. " You okay?" Izuku nodded. " Yeah, I'm fine..." He answered. Deku saw through the lie. " What were you dreaming about?" He asked. " Just... Some things," he said, looking down. " Like what?"

Now, telling a person about your insecurities on your morals -they hold debates against to, occasionally- would be stupid. Despite that, -he felt safe in his other self's touch, and his eyes that showed understanding, similar pain, pain caused by society and its ideals cemented that feeling.

" Like, the past... When I haven't met All Might..." He bit his lip to stop the tears threatening to flow. " How... How I was alone, and- Even Mom!... She..." He stopped, trying to maintain his composure. Deku hugged him and patted his head. " It was lonely... Wasn't it? Crying behind the school at lunch after getting beat down by everyone, and no one helping you."

" Begging with silent screams even when you know no one would help or care, but still kept them silent, and hoping that maybe. Just maybe, please..." He hugged Izuku tighter.

" Someone help me." Izuku let out a cry, and Deku patted his head more. He's vulnerable..., Deku thought, Should I? Of course! It's the perfect time to get into his head.

But why am I hesitating? He thought as he felt his hands and mouth shake a little. He bit his lip and clenched his fist.

" Now, now Deku... You're a villain now! You're with us! We'll protect and be here for each other and never go against one another! Alright?... So forget about everything else, understand?" He unclenched his fist and breath deep. Thank you for your guiding words Sensei.

He grinned and lowered his head -so his mouth was beside Izuku's ear. " But no one did. Because they couldn't care less about a quirkless shit." Deku felt Izuku's breathing hitch. " Even All Might..." He heard heavy breathing. " How ironic isn't it? A once quirkless boy couldn't even bother to care for someone he used to be in the same position. All he cared was that he got a quirk, a powerful one. One that is dying and in need of a new vessel."

" Izuku... One for All has grown stronger, hasn't it? Your power percentage is more Herculean than All Might's, and that's something. Imagine if it was given to someone with a quirk."

" What?"

" All Might didn't just give you One for All for your bravery. He gave it to you because you were an appropriate vessel." A vessel, Izuku thought. " A vessel that was dependant on him, a vessel that worshipped him and would do anything he says... Like a wooden doll per se." Wooden Doll... Useless... Deku...

" Tell me Izuku," He held his shoulder and gently pushed him away to look at his eyes. Emerald once again meeting Poison greens " Has All Might ever talk to you about anything else other than OFA? Has he taken the time to nature your other talents instead of just training you for OFA?" He asked.

" Has he ever made time to get to know you as Izuku Midoriya instead of being the Ninth Successor of OFA?"


Izuku couldn't sleep after that. He was up all night -his eyebags showed that clearly. " Has he ever made time to get to know you as Izuku Midoriya instead of being the Ninth Successor of OFA?"

Has he?..

The lunch bell rang, and his friends came over to him to walk to the cafeteria. They all stood up, and halfway there, All Might came and took Izuku, saying he needed to talk to him. He complied, and so now they were walking over to their meeting room. Izuku kept glancing at All Might before looking down or somewhere else. Deku seeing this, grinned. This is too easy. He thought, ignoring the guilt he felt in the back of his mind.

They arrived and sat down. An awkward silence filled the room. I could use this time to get to know each other! I also don't know much about All Might! His info on HeroNet is classified, unlike most heroes.

" Uhm, All Might I-"

" I saw from the footage when Young Deku here first came..." he started, interrupting Izuku, who felt dejected, but listened. " You were able to control Blackwhip quite well."

" Yeah! I was! I have gotten a pretty good hang of it now!" He said, opening his hand and letting the black tendrils dance on his palms. " That's great, keep practicing and let me know when you unlock a new quirk as soon as possible."

" Yes! All Might!" Izuku replied, happy with his idol's words, and reminded himself to do as he instructed.


Deku thought, looking at the interaction. " Well then, you better go, its lunchtime after all, and I also need to check some documents." All Might said, standing up and opening the door to leave. Wait...

Izuku watched him as time seemed to slow. He remembered Deku's words.

" All Might didn't just give you One for All for your bravery. He gave it to you because you were an appropriate vessel." All Might stopped at the door and reached for its handle.

" A vessel that was dependant on him, a vessel that worshipped him and would do anything he says... Like a wooden doll per se."

" Yeah! I was! I have gotten a pretty good hang of it now!"

" That's great, keep practicing and let me know when you unlock a new quirk as soon as possible."

" Yes! All Might!" All Might opened the door.

" Has All Might ever talk to you about anything else other than OFA?"

" Well then, you better go, its lunchtime after all, and I also need to check some documents." All Might stepped a foot out.

" Has he taken the time to nature your other talents instead of just training you for OFA?"

Has He?

" Wait! All Might!" Izuku called out, and in abruptness, knocked over the table and spilled his lunch. " Ah!"

" Young Midoriya!" All Might walked over but stopped when he met gazes with the green-haired teen.

*A phone call is here! A phone call is here!*

His phone ringed, taking it out of his pocket, he saw the name. Gran Torino, He might need to tell me something important!

" I'm sorry, Young Midoriya, I have to take this... Call a Janitor to clean that up and head to the cafeteria for lunch. Lunch Rush is there, after all, and would provide you food." He said before completely walking out of the room, leaving the other two alone.

" So, has he taken the time to know you? Izuku Midoriya?" Deku asked, looking at his other self's position on the floor, kneeled in front of the mess.

"... No."

1,293 Words, the longest one yet. 

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