17. I need a new book cover, ppl keep mistaking this as VDekuxHDeku. ITS NOT! 😭

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Deku looked at his hand.

-That was glitching out of existence.

Meet, a quirk that allows the person to meet a different version of themself for a month. He thought, remembering the rat's words. "Different..." He sighed and leaned back on the bathroom door.

"Heh." He smirked, brushing his hair back with his fingers. I expected that I was gonna succeed, not that I knew I was. He thought, twirling a small part of his curly hair. I wonder how this world's gonna turn out. He chuckled at that thought, feeling victorious. He looked up at the white ceiling and closed his eyes. He smiled.

He chuckled and giggled. Then he was silently laughing to himself when he felt something wet slide down his cheek. Glancing at the mirror beside him. He saw tears slide down from his face. He was crying.

Deku felt victorious. Yes. He convinced his hero (turning villain) self that being a hero is all fake shit. But he also felt disappointed that he could never be a hero. Not even here -in this alternate universe where he had one of the most mighty quirks in existence.

Heh... I was determined to make him into a villain and prove to him the blight of heroes, and now that I succeeded, I feel this shitty. Fucking pathetic, "Tch" He rubbed his eyes harshly. Fucking Pathetic Deku, He thought, as he continued to chuckle and giggle with tears streaming down from his green eyes veiled with a glassy screen of tears.

His heart continued to feel content yet broken at the same time. And more tears slipped down from his face. He continued to harshly brush them off. "Damnit..." Grunting and standing up from the cold floor. He sniffled back the snot forming in his nostrils and walked to the sink, opened the faucet. Letting the loud sound of water running cover his sounds of mixed sadness and joy.


"You okay? You were in there for an hour." Izuku asked, looking at his counterpart.

In less than a month, the two of them had bonded and became close like siblings. Izuku felt confident with Deku. Felt wiser, bolder, and Free to be himself, without any secrets. Deku understood and acknowledged everything about him. And Izuku too -had started to understand him.

"I fell asleep." Deku simply answered.

"In the bathroom?"




"Do you know how uncomfortable that sounds?" Izuku asked, his face judgemental. Deku shrugged, "Not as much as you being a stalker." Izuku's face then turned to a frown, "I am not."

"Pfft, You sure? Because I'm pretty sure I read in your notebook about Mt. Lady's and some, SOME! Of your female classmates' certain measurements-Oof!"

"If you continue that sentence, I swear! -It's for Quirk observation purposes!" Izuku warned and reasoned, his face red from embarrassment and shame as he held another pillow back, ready to throw one again at Deku.

"Oh yeah?" Deku chuckled, disregarding the pillow thrown at him. And instead, pulled out from his back -Izuku's black notebook. "Then shall I read that one part about some student from Class B, potential in becoming an excellent vib- Umph!"

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