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Colton's eyes flew open as he sat up. He brushed his locks out of his face as he took a look at the room, drinking in the scene. He heard footsteps of people coming and going outside the door. Instead of the sickly gray walls of the infirmary, it was a warm light yellow color. Colton saw a gray curtain covering something. He drew back the curtain, to see 56 resting. 56 yawned, sitting up from the bed. His eyes darted over to Colton. "Hey 0! You've finally woke up!" 56 greeted. Colton smiled at 56. "Hello, 56. Where are we?" Colton asked. 56 scrunched up his nose at his subject number. "Please don't call me that anymore. My name is Ethan King." 56- or rather, Ethan, corrected. Colton raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Okay, Ethan. But you still haven't answered my question." Ethan gave Colton a soft smile. "Do me a favor. Go outside and look for a room labeled 'Waiting Room'. There are some people waiting for you." Ethan answered, avoiding the question. Colton was scared to follow Ethan's instructions, but he was curious. Colton carefully stood up from the bed, holding the edge to steady himself. He shuffled towards the door, making sure he didn't wake up any of the other subjects. He gripped the doorknob, slowly turning it. The creaking sound gave him a mini heart attack, thinking that a doctor was going to hear him, but he lightly pushed the door open. He took a step out, soaking in the new environment. The walls were white, and he heard people happily chatting in other rooms. He walked out of the room, making his way down the hall. He heard crying, laughter, vomiting, and other stuff in every room he passed by. He wasn't sure if he liked this new environment. Colton went down random hallways, went downstairs, and hid from the doctors when they passed by. Finally, the boy found himself in a hallway. The doors at the end of the hallway read "Waiting Room". Pushing open the door, he eyed the people sitting at the chairs, watching moving paintings on weird boxes hanging from the walls, and reading strange books with people on the covers. They were all dressed very strangely. Some of them were too old to be subjected, but they weren't dressed like the doctors either. One duo drew his attention. The man was sickly pale, with eye bags under his eyes, indicating he didn't get much sleep. His eyes were a light blue, and his hair was a dirty blond with bits of gray. He was wearing a button-up shirt, and he was wearing strange navy pants with pockets. The woman didn't look much better. Her gray eyes had so much worry with bits of relief in them. She also had eye bags, and her blonde hair was unkempt. Colton stepped towards the couple. The man lifted his head, and his eyes lit up. Despite his tears, he smiled widely. He nudged the woman's shoulder. gaining the attention of the woman, who flung herself towards Colton, immediately wrapping her arms around Colton in a hug. The man joined in, barely containing his tears. Despite his confusion, Colton wrapped his arms around the two. He had a strange feeling of deja vu with the couple, but Colton smiled to himself. He may not know who they are immediately, or if he would ever fully understand his history with them, but all he knew was that he was finally safe.

Subject 0Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang