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Lyric tossed and turned in bed. It wasn't her adrenaline keeping her awake, it was this deep tingle in her lower belly. She knew instinctively what it was. It was arousal. She got up to go splash some cold water on her face before trying once more to sleep. She heard a soft hum from the living room and couldn't help herself. She had missed her mate dearly while he'd been away. Even if it was mostly hormones, she couldn't deny it. She crept into the living room and stood by the side of the pull out he was sleeping on. Black hair was damp and stuck out in odd angles, making her smirk, and she leaned down, barely pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"Mm," he hummed and green eyes fluttered open. "L-Lyric?" He sat up, yanking the blanket up over his bare chest and stared at her. "Just what in the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"I-I dunno," she stammered. "You were just so cute laying here with your messy hair. I'm sorry, I'll go." She started to turn away when a strong hand closed over her wrist and jerked her down to the bed with him.

"Tell me no," he whispered, putting his lips against hers.

"I--," she started. Did she want to tell him no? "My wolf told you no. I've told you no."

"Tell me now," he whispered and she could hear the desperation in his voice. "I want you, Lyric. I've always wanted you."

"I c-can't." She said with a small hitch and he started to pull away. "I can't tell you no! I've had this ache since you left. This gaping hole in my chest that only being near you seems to fill."

"Tell. Me. No." he repeated with a growl. "Be honest, do you want this? I don't think I'll be able to stop myself."

"I," she began and looked into his eyes. She could see the fire burning deep within the emeralds staring back at her and she swallowed thickly. "I want you. But!" she squeaked when she found herself flipped to her back. "I want to go at my pace."

"Of course," he purred. "You can lead the show." He smiled down at her and she gasped and pulled back when she felt something poke against her thigh.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," she said with a laugh when she realized it was his arousal poking her leg. "Oh this is so not how I thought this would go."

"Oh?" he asked, leaning back to take his shirt off. "How did you think it would go? Stone cold and serious?" he made a serious face at her. "Or would you rather have a little fun?"

"Definitely fun," she giggled, looking at his chest. Thick swirling tribal tattoos covered his body, starting on the right hip and crawling its way lazily across his chest and stomach and ended on his left shoulder, going down to his elbow. Something that could be easily covered up when he had to be the respectable Alpha-Son. Green eyes burned into her as she reached up nervously and touched a swirl near his hip.

"Mmm," he hummed, eyes fluttering shut momentarily. "Can I touch you?" he asked. His voice was husky and dark. Silk like as the words ran over her body, making her shiver as she nodded.

Warm hands found her sides and before she could process anything she was being tickled. She screeched and flailed around, trying to shove him and his hands away and didn't protest when he moved to take her shirt off. She did, however, move to cover her breasts.

"Don't," he said softly. "Let me see you. Look at you," he purred and she shivered again when his hands moved her arms from her chest.

"Kieran?" she whispered as fresh anxiety washed over her. "Will it hurt?"

"I think a little," he said seriously. "I'm not sure. This will be my first time too going this far, but I'll be as gentle as I can be."

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