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Chapter Seven "Tour"

After finishing the hearty breakfast that Kieran had prepared, Lyric decided that she should shower before the start of her very long day. She was still in awe over the pure size of his bedroom and his bathroom didn't help matters. Lyla's entire house could fit in just the space of his bedroom. What did a single person do with this much space?! Hell, what would two of them do with this much room?

He had a stand up shower, encased by frosted glass, and he had a huge bathtub that could easily be a pool. The tub sat in a large window, overlooking a vast forested area, and she was glad his room was on the second floor—away from prying eyes. Everything was so elegant here; the bathroom had gorgeous white and black marble floors—she had to look very hard to see the seams in the stonework. The walls were covered in tiny square white tiles. The amount of work that had to have gone into the bathroom made her head spin. That fact made it much worse when she saw Kieran's dirty clothes piled beside the open clothes hamper.

"Really?" she exhaled, shaking her head. She went over and put the clothes in the hamper.

It took her a minute to figure out how to operate the shower—she was too embarrassed to ask for help—but before long she had water pouring from the shower head. Lyric stared at the round shower head that hung from the middle of the ceiling in the cube shaped shower stall. The water coming down was similar to a heavy rain and it was mesmerizing. She looked through her bag for her shower supplies, cursing quietly when she saw that she forgot her body wash, and got ready to get in the shower.

"Lyric?" Kieran called from the other side of the door. She jumped and instantly tried to find something to cover her nakedness with.

I was naked in front of him hours ago! She scolded herself. Why bother covering myself now?

Because he wants to wait, a tiny voice whispered.

"Fine!" she replied. "Just getting ready to hop in!"

"All right," he said. "If you need anything, I'll be right out here."

"Thank you," she said. She heard footsteps departing and a door open, but not close. Lyric waited another moment before she climbed into the shower.

She took a longer shower than she had originally planned; once she was under the spray of warm water, she just stood there for the longest time before actually using the lightly scented shampoo and conditioner. Shopping for toiletries as a werewolf was near impossible. Everything had some sort of perfume added to it; even those that claimed to have 'no scent' were scented somehow. How could humans handle the myriad of smells floating around them all the time? Coconut hair product, blossom lotion, fruity body wash, and berry scented deodorant. She couldn't wrap her head around it. How did they stand it? Especially when they added in flowery laundry soaps to their clothes and then sprayed themselves with perfumes. It was overwhelming.

As a result of their sensitive senses, most of the werewolves she knew used one lightly or non-scented shampoo—using it as body wash as well—and conditioner. Baby oil was preferred for shaving as it actually had no smell. The only thing her kind went overboard with was deodorant. No one wanted to smell like body odor while living with those that could smell shifts in your mood.

Once she had finished her shower and had dried and dressed in a pair of jeans and a tank top, she stood in front of the mirror to comb her hair. She paused with the comb partway through its first stroke and stared at her reflection.

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