When they bring up your insecurities pt.2

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[I was hesitant to do this because the ideas that came into my mind disappeared lol]

-"I've spent all of the love I saved~
We we're always a losing game~"
-a cough disrupt your singing time
-"you really have a nice voice"
-he complimented you but you scoffed
-"that wasn't what you said last week"
-you said looking away from him and continue to hum
-"look Y/Nnie-"
-"It's Y/N not Y/Nnie"
-he formed a pained expression on his face
-"I'm sorry I hurted you,I didn't mean to-"
-"Listen,I won't break up with you just yet,I need time"
-"Time for what?"
-"To think if I still want to be with you after what you said.I can't just break up with you right away you know,I'm not ignorant and stupid...and because people make mistakes sometimes and I'm afraid that If i leave just like that...there's a possibility that I'll regret it and I don't want that...coz I love you"
-you explained and he nodded in comprehension then he left you hesitantly
-it seems dramatic but that was your insecurities and he brought it up so the only thing you can do right now is to think if it's still okay to be with him

-he called you but you replied nothing
-he slowly approach you and hold your shoulder that's when you decided to talk
-"you know that I'm just being clingy because I want to give all my attention to you right?"
-you said earning a hum from him
-"Jay I'm sorry that I accused you of cheating on me...I just got paranoid that you'll leave me if I act ignorant so I gave you all my attention"
-as cheesy as it may,his eyes start to tear up
-"I'm sorry that I called you annoying and clingy but that's what I feel that time...I feel hurt that you thought I'm cheating on you,offended perhaps...coz I will never Y/N...never"
-you look up to him and cupped his redden cheeks
-"thank you for giving me all your attention but I don't want all of it...give your self some attention too because look what happened...it leds you to over thinking"
-you nodded and hesitantly kisses his cheeks

-you asked finally breaking the silence
-he rub his face with his hands in frustration
-"I'm sorry"
-he apologized immediately but you only look at him
-"am I really that annoying that you thought of maybe leaving me?"
-you asked helplessly,he sigh again in frustration
-"Y/N yes you're so annoying to the point that I think of maybe leaving you but I didn't...you wanna know why?"
-your eyes dropped a few tears
-"because I love you and I don't wanna give up our relationship because of you simply being annoying because I know there are times that you find me annoying too still you didn't leave me but Y/N...this isn't the first time that you accused me of cheating and flirting with other girls....it made me feel so small...you think so low of me but I understand,you said you're paranoid and I totally understand you because I felt that before"
-this made your tears fall down more
-"it's like you don't trust me anymore...your insecurities are eating you up Y/N but don't worry...I won't leave you,we'll work on it"
-you simply fall on his arms while repeating the word 'sorry' and he was rubbing your back saying 'it's okay'

-"what are you doing here?"
-you asked feeling extremely annoyed
-it's been 4 months since the fight and to make it all clear you ended things with him but he keeps bothering you
-"like always...I want to apologize"
-he said like always
-"and you know what's my reply....leave me alone"
-he let out a sigh
-"Y/N It's been 4 months,how come you're still hurt?"
-he asked in confusion
-"I'm not hurt anymore actually"
-"then why are you pushing me away?"
-"Sunghoon look,I've learn something...that If a guy talk bad about your appearance,it means that he's not sincere to you because it means that from the start,they only dated you for the...the outside appearance and not the inside"
-he look at you seriously
-"And that's a red flag...I still like you but because of what happened 4 months ago,I won't try to be with you again...you need someone the fill your expectations in females,you need someone who's near your Ideal type and I'm way out of your league so please leave me alone...maybe one day we'll be great friends"
-you said finally letting go as you enter your home
-he smiled sadly to you and walk away thinking of what you said

-"have you seen my dress?"
-you asked you cute yet grown up boyfriend who's sulking on the side of the bed
-"no I haven't"
-he denied but you know he's lying
-"come on Sunoo,give it to me,I'm running late"
-you whined and that's when you saw your dress all torn up
-"what the-"
-he cut himself off when you started laughing
-"you find my rant amusing?"
-he pouted then you said
-"can't you remember 5 years ago?,we had a big fight because I was protective and noisy but look who is acting like that now"
-his cheeks turn red
-"well atlest we figure it out! And besides,I understand why you were protective to me back then and you know what...you don't act like that these days and it's...so sad"
-you laugh hysterically and slap his shoulder

-he hesitantly approach your table
-you look up to him and slightly gasp
-you greeted back awkwardly,he's your ex after all
-"how are you?"
-"I don't see the purpose of you asking that but I'm fine thank you"
-he then look at you
-"I noticed that you hardly talk to the guy who's sitting here,I assume he's your boyfriend"
-you nodded but didn't say anything
-"is it because of what I said 2 years ago?"
-he said nonchalant but frown when you nod
-"I'm afraid that when I talk alot,he'll get annoyed so I talked less"
-"I can see that it's bothering him,he seems to care about you"
-"How would you know that?"
-"I can understand someone who have the same sex as mine"
-he let out a heavy sigh and hesitantly hold your hand
-"I'm so sorry that it affected you so much but please remember that I regret it and you know it,you don't need to talk less just because of the past events,don't let my stupid words affect your relationship...he's my friend actually and I'm the one who suggested for him to approach you since he quite like you...actually I requested to him to let me talk to you that's why he excused himself"
-you snap your head to the way where your boyfriend went and you saw him smiling to you and signalled you to let Jungwon talk
-and eventually it leds into a happy ending on both party's

-"please stop"
-he said pleading-ly
-you look at him wondering why he's acting like a brat
-you cooed and hug his arms
-"Stop it please,I want my old Y/N back,the sassy,irritated and cool scary Y/N"
-he said cupping your face earning a adorable glare from you
-"this is what you want right? A girl who's cute? Then why are you whining about me being cute?"
-you asked in fake confusion
-"I don't want a cute girl anymore,they're annoying-"
-"Then it's settled,we're over"
-his eyes widen at this
-"what the heck?"
-"Niki you're so confusing and honestly hard to figure,I can't be with someone who have a messy feelings like you are"
-that's all you said before you leave him for good



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