2 months dating vs 2 years married

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-2 months dating-

-"You make me glow~"
-you sang making him smile
-you've been singing for hours as he write some lyrics and he find it entertaining
-"You have such a nice voice Y/N,I hope you sing more often"
-he complimented making you blush

-2 years married-

-you sang tyring to reach the high note but ended up...well...If you know what i mean
-"Y/N honey please stop singing early in the morning,it's ruining my ear drums and our baby is still sleeping.Stop it please,he might think that his mom is some kind of dying pig-Ouch"
-you smack him while glaring


-2 months dating-

-"Can...can I have this?"
-you ask bashful as you poke the expensive bag
-he smiled softly and answered...
-"yes,but anything you want,I'll pay"
-he said not minding it at all
-"but these are expensive"
-you whined feeling bad
-"Y/Nnie,your boyfriend is rich,I don't mind"

-2 years married-

-"these are so expensive oh god"
-you gasp but grab the expensive GUCCI bag
-he followed behind you looking at price of what you have on your hand and his eyes widen
-"Honey,that's like half a million-"
-"aww this is cute~I'll take this for our baby"
-you cooed at the cute hand size pink Celine bag
-he grab it and look at the price,his eye balls nearly come off when he saw that it's half a million as well
-"what's the matter?...didn't you said that you're rich?and besides you don't mind it...do you?"


-2 months dating-

-"Hear,I made some cookies for you"
-he offered confidently as he hand you a plate of freshly cooked cookies
-you shyly grab one and took a bite
-you then hesitantly gulp it and look at him only to see him giving you a hopeful look
-"how was it?"
-he asked smiling nervously,
-"it-it's good...ummm yeah good"
-you lied not wanting to make him feel bad
-he smiled and walk away to grab some juice and that's when you dramatically puke even though nothing came out

-2 years married-

-"I made some cookies"
-he happily approach you
-you sigh and look at your handsome husband
-"please honey,your cookies look so damn fine but it taste like shit"
-"you haven't even taste it yet"
-he whined
-"No thanks,I still remember the first time I ate those damn cookies,I went home wanting to poop"
-he scoffed and eat the cookies
-and he receive the same thing you experienced when you ate it
-he pooped all day


-2 months dating-

-"Hey umm do I look beautiful to you?"
-you asked nervously and he took a glance at you
-"you look so beautiful,more beautiful than me"
-he smiled and kisses your cheeks

-2 years married-

-"do I look beautiful?"
-you asked twirling to get his words
-he then put up a judging look and said
-"obviously,you're my wife so you're beautiful but I'm more beautiful and no one can deny that,I mean have you seen my fine jaw line,my nice nose and this sexy body"
-you face palm as you glance at him while he pose


-2 months dating-

-you said looking at the last chicken wing at the plate
-you glance at him who look at you smiling
-"you can take it Y/Nie"
-he offered kindly
-"you sure?I mean it's your favorite and I don't mind you having it"
-"No,No I insist...take it"
-and you did what he say

-2 years married-

-you said looking at the last slice of pizza on its box
-you glance at him who look at you smiling
-"well Honey,do you want to take i-"
-he grab the last slice of pizza without hesitation before you can even finish your words


-2 months of dating-

-"Here's a joke,you better listen carefully"
-he nodded happily and wait for you to spill it
-"so what do you call a person without nose and body?"
-"i don't know?"
-"Nobody nose!"
-you burst out laughing and he smiled awkwardly and force himself to laugh to not make a bad impression to you

-2 years married-

-"Hey husband,I have a nice joke"
-you call out making him roll his eyes
-he wrap his hands around your waist and wait for you to spill your funny joke
-"so a girl went to a bar and she met a guy...Now what did she say to the guy?"
-he shrug boredly
-"Alcohol you later!"
-you burst out laughing but stopped when he didn't
-"Hey it was funny!"
-"If you weren't my wife,I'll probably choke you"
-he sassed earning a smack from you


-2 months dating-

-you shyly wrapped your arms around his neck and let the slow music flow in your body but then...
-he yelped when you accidentally step on his toes
-"I'm sorry!"
-you apologized but he sent you a reassuring smile and said
-"It's fine,it doesn't hurt anyway...let's continue?"
-you nodded

-2 years married-

-"this is nice"
-you mumbled as you lean into his chest while you two dance on a slow music but then...
-"what happen-Ow!"
-you yelped when he repeatedly step on your toes but it's not forcefully more like playful
-"You step on me first!"

I'm still sick but I decided that I still want to update despite that lol👽


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