When you're acting funny because of the anesthesia effect

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[In this chapter y'all just got your wisdom teeth pulled out💀]

-"wait is that....is that a beer?"
-you asked while tilting your head questionably as you point at the small plastic cup full with......water obviously
-he laughed and stroke your hair
-"No love that's just water"
-he said making you whined
-"I want a beer...you know this club is so stupid like it has white walls...weirddddddd bedddd and it has machines that says...."
-you paused then lift a finger and attempt to mimic the machines making him laugh out loud
-"beep...beep...beep...ting~~~~ something like that....tsk weird"
-you said shaking your head in disappointment

-"why...why is their a light above?"
-you asked having hard time speaking
-"to let us see the surrounding"
-he answered as he prepare your things to go home
-"Jay~~~~~~ I see a wings they're flying to me"
-you said seriously looking above
-he cracked a amused grin and shook his head in amusement
-"What the fuck Jay they're taking me!!!!"
-you said then fainted making him panic
-"Doctor! Nurse! DOCTO-"
-"just kidding you seemed panicked so weird"
-you sudden talk while sitting up suddenly as if you didn't made him panic by fake fainting

-"Why am I here?"
-you asked him with a teary eyes
-"you got your teeth pulled out"
-he revealed smiling at you but you gasp exasperated
-"my teeth?"
-you mumble in the verge of crying,he couldn't help but snicker
-"which teeth?I hope not the front,I don't wanna look stupid and funny in front of y'all"
-"nope,you got your wisdom teeth pulled out"
-he said warily as he caress your face but then you started to cry
-"I have no wisdom! People will laugh at me because I'm the most ridiculous person for not having a wisdom! Why does this people in white gown remove wisdom they're freaking mean!"

-you let out as you stare at the thin tube on your hands
-"what are these?"
-you asked and when he's about to answer you cut him off
-"These are weird blop blop blop"
-you dismissed and silence visited you two until he decided to talk
-"you know,you go to college with me"
-your teary eyes widen at that sentence
-"Really?!! Oh my god! I'm a genius!"
-you cried emotionally sniffing making him shook his head in amusement
-"You,you're idiot I'm a genius though you look good,I'm a genius!"

-"bara bap bap~ 🎶bara bap bap🎶 bara bara bara bara bap bap bap🎶"
-you happily sang as you wiggle your toes as you watch him gather your things
-"Oh my god~ there's a bug!"
-you squeak catching his attention
-"a bug?"
-"I'm kidding get back to what you're doing hmp"
-he smile cutely and get back to what he was doing and let you do whatever
you want then you talked
-"Hey do you know Gia?"
-"yep she's your friend"
-"but she's not here!"
-"And Nikka? She's not here either.....Nobody loves me"
-you cried softly

-"there is something I wanna tell you"
-you spoke in a hush tone
-"what is it?"
-he play along feeling kind today
-"You know the missing cupcake,I know who ate it"
-you said suspiciously and he acted surprise by widening his eyes
-"whoa really? Who was it?"
-you giggle uncontrollably and snorted making him snicker
-"It was....ME!"
-you admitted cheerfully while throwing your hands up giggling
-"Tsk tsk tsk glad that I get to film your confession now I just need to let your mom see it"
-he said making you pout which is unusual but thanks to the anesthesia
-"Eat your ass you meanie!"

-"and then I told her noooooooo"
-you said as your wiggle your pointer finger left to right
-"you shouldn't kill an ant coz it's bad and you'll go to jail but she laughed at me"
-he laughed loudly at your nonsense story making you glare at him
-"That wasn't funn-Ouch f*ck you teeth"
-you wince holding your cheek
-"You're seriously ridiculous right now,I wish you're like this everyday and not acting like my mom tsk"
-he said jokingly but you cried...
-"I'm not old! I ain't your mom you rascal!"
-he laughed more to the point that he's clutching his stomach

This is odd and not funny at all lol but I think this is cute😝
Lol I'll be afraid to remove my wisdom


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