Chapter 16

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Edit: May 21st, 2017.

"I told you. I told you, I told you, I told you!" I exclaim happily at Parker. This idiot didn't believe me, but now his sorry butt better!

"Yeah, I get it, you told me." He says back, still in shock about what lays in front of our eyes.

I ignore the protests and run up to hug her. She hugs me back, then Parker gives her a high five and pulls her into a quick hug as well.

"Told him what?" Alex asks confused.

"He thinks you wouldn't be here." I say annoyedly, rolling my eyes and punching his shoulder playfully.

"No," he says back.

"Yes! I told him I knew you would be here." I rub in.

"How did you guys find me?" She asks. I smile, and slowly reach in my backpack.

"Because I found this at the school," I answer, handing her her shiny black 9mm gun. She chuckles.

"So that's where I left it." She rubs her ruffled hair. "I was wondering where that went."

I look closely at her face, and frown. "What happened to your face?" I ask moving my eyes closer to hers and examine her bruises.

"Oh, these?" She says, pointing to her neck and arms. I nod uncontrollably.

"I was attacked by my nemesis a couple weeks ago. . ." She says, looking at the ground. "It's nothing big, don't worry about it."

"But Bert's been dead for a long time!" I reconfirm. She laughs silently, it not reaching her eyes.

"No, not him, my other one. She's nobody, really. She just. . . tormented me back in the day, so I eventually gave her my revenge. She sworn she would kill me next time she saw me, and I never saw her again. That is, until she saw me at the school, which was the 'next time' we met. So, to put it easily, she tried to attack me, and I got away.

"If you got away then where did the bruises come from?" Parker asks.

Alex shrugs. "I got away a few times during our game of Cat and Mouse. She got a tall muscular man to come and chase after me. He got me pretty hard; in the neck, the chest, my ribs mostly. It was agony and extremely difficult to breathe after I escaped, but I did it. He dug his nails deep in my neck and arms, so that's those injuries. And there's still some damage to my ribs and a couple scars left over." She avoids eye contact with either of us, and she scans the yard nervously. "I'll um-I'll be fine though. Nothing to worry about, like I said. . ." She says a second after, and clears her throat.

"Are you sure?" I ask. She nods. "What did you do to her that involved you getting a promise to be killed? It must have been pretty big for such a powerful promise."

"Absolutely." She nods, but looks at Parker this time. "It's a long story I'll save for later. . . in the meantime, I uh, have something I think you'll enjoy. Follow me." A smile finally appears on her face and she leads us inside her house. Or-I mean-where she's taking shelter.

"It's really beautiful," I compliment the house as we get inside. She shakes her head.

"No, these are more." She says, and opens two double doors.

"O-M-G! They're adorable!" I gasp. "Where did you find them?" I press my hands to my mouth in awe, collapsing on the floor and petting the little furry animals.

"I didn't. Well, I did, but I didn't." I scrunch my eyebrows. "They were in a car that randomly stopped in the middle of the road for some unknown reason. There wasnt anybody in the car, or on the road either." She explains.

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