Chapter 37: Part II

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Edit: August 26th, 2017.

I got bored.

Like a half hour in and I was bored out of my freaking mind. Like I was sitting in a brightly lit room with nothing but a bed and toilet to satisfy me. So what do I do? What does any bored teenager do?

They explore and look for trouble.

Or at least that's what I do. I don't know what y'all do, but trouble is my mojo.

I decided to walk around, not knowing or caring where I wounded up. I made Iko keep watch at the camp, the last thing I wanted was to go back and have my friends eaten alive.

I have to admit, walking around in an apocalypse at night is freaky. Totally downright freaky. I haven't seen a walker in days, and I'm kind of desperate.

In case you haven't caught on, I am walker hunting.

Kill for the thrill is what they say, correct?

I jump at a sudden noise, causing me to quickly point my light and gun at the sound. Shining it back and forth, I get a boost of excitement and unease when I see five walkers in front of me. I begin to aim for their head, but stop myself worriedly.

I forgot my knife.

The gun sounds will draw attention because I forgot my silencer.

These walkers will reach my site if I don't kill them now.

Do you know how to snap necks?

I've tried-not on humans-, but couldn't find the right spot.

I'm fucked. I got to kill these by hand. But how?

Let's just try beating them with the gun with the safety turned on. Or with your foot. Oh wait, never mind your on foot rest.

There is no way I can beat these things with my hands all at once without getting attacked. Rebecca may have said that I was immune, but that doesn't mean I'm totally immune to the virus. I was only scratched, after all, not bitten. And even if they surrounded me, there's not a doubt that I wouldn't die from blood loss.

I am totally screwed.

The closest walker comes at me, arms out and rotting teeth clamping down at my figure. I'm sure I taste good, my dear deadlings, but I'm sorry that I don't give out samples.

Still figuring the scenario in my head, I hesitate and panic and just push the six foot tall dead man walking at me. He stumbles into another two, two woman with equally coloured brown hair. I'm not far away from camp at all. I could just run back and grab my knife or silencer and they'll all be dead in fifteen minutes. But there could be more behind these, I think. Oh God, there really isn't a good outcome here.

Yes, there is, actually!


Check your back pocket. I furrow my eyebrows and reach into my left back pocket. I feel nothing but keys. You expect me to kill them with keys? The keys aren't long enough to reach their brain. Useless. Your other back pocket, genius. Backing away to gain time, I reach in my right pocket and pull out what it contains.

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