Chapter 22

22 3 0

Edit: June 30th, 2017.

Jada's POV (continued)

Alex is right. Hallucinated Alex, is right? Wow.

Land is miles away.

"My arm's are tired," Parker says weakly, sweat dripping down all of our faces. It's 100 degrees fahrenheit (about 37 degrees Celsius.) outside on the water, and we're exhaunted and thirsty. We all are at low-grade dehydration and soon enough we'll be in critical condition and end up dead.

"Let's take a break before we get too hot." Alex says, splashing her face with water.

"Hey! Watch where you're splashing!" Ryanne snaps, whiping her face. Alex smiles, places water in her hands, and purposely throws water at Ryanne.

"Oopsies." She giggles. "My bad." I start laughing and soon enough we're all splashing water at each other. Man, it's been a while since I've felt like this. No worries, I'm with my friends, and all we're doing is losing our minds and having fun. And to think, in the beginning we didn't really like being together, except Alex and Parker. Now we're all we have left of our home and each other. We've almost died and got bitten for one another, like a family would. But we aren't family. I think that these people here are the reasons I'm still alive and keeping my head held high. Like I said, we're all we have left of our little town.


"Paddle faster! Go! Hurry!" I yell. "We're reaching Melbourne!" We all paddle as fast as we could and are about 10-15 minutes from land.

"EUREKA!" Alex screams aloud. She starts laughing and smiling, soon enough Rayne starts, too.

"That was my ear!" Parker hisses.

Alex looks at him, and says in an unimpressed voice, "Now you know how it feels."

We've paddled some miles, and Rayne gets out to see how deep the water is, and she looks around.

"I can't reach." She says.

"Alright. Let's keep going."

"Wait!" She says. "I can reach. I can reach now." She has an innocent look on her face.

"Are you fricking serious?"

"Yeah! I was swimming," she says with a giggle. We roll our eyes. We all get out and attempt to run our way to shore.

"Watch out for sharp things and zebra muscles." Parker screams to everyone, but it is too late.

"Ouch!" Rayne exclaims in pain, squeezing her foot.

"I told you to watch out." He grins and rolls his eyes. He lifts her foot up and brings it to his chest, and examines what she stepped on. "Yup, just what I thought, and warned you about. Zebra muscle."

The bottom of the sea floor is very sharp, and coated with zebra muscles and pointed rocks, as you can tell. After Rayne stepping on a muscle, the floor just gets worse. It gets bad enough where we all can't walk on the ground anymore.

Although it doesn't really matter, we're at shore anyway.

"Grab the weapons," Alex says in a low tone. It took me a moment to hear her, since we went a few days being able to be as loud as we want without having to look over our shoulder. It's weird being so quiet, even though it's only been like this for a couple days.

I hand her the weapons bag, and she hands us our ammunition, followed by out artillery. "Shouldn't we use the knives?" I ask in confusion. We usually only have our guns if theres a horde. Right now it's dead silent. No sign of the afterlife; no sign of the human life, either. I wonder if they even got hit by the infection... New Zealand got hit bad.

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