Chapter 3

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I wake up quickly jump out of bed and throw on my clothes. I walk into the kitchen and make toast for breakfast, eats the toast and then runs down to the classroom.

I walk in and take the same seat as last class then I see Leah, Bella and Olivia walk in, I smile then they walk over and sit beside me "Hi Malia" Leah says with a smile "Hi leah, Hi Olivia, Hi Bella" Olivia and Bella smile "Hi!" we all start to talk for a bit.


"Come on honey let's go" I start walking to the class room holding our exorcism clips I hear Ed say trying to catch up to me "I'm coming I'm coming" I smile then walk into the classroom.


The girls and I talk for a while then see Mr and Mrs. Warren walk in Leah looks at them "Woah baby!" Bella smacks Leah's arm then whispers "Leah!" She holds her arm "Oww ok ok!" I look at them then over to Mr and Mrs. Warren they have a lot of video tapes in their hands and then I smile realising their outfits are matching Mrs. Warrens skirt has the same pattern and colours as Mr. Warrens tie it's adorable.

"Alright everyone! Today we have a lot of clips to watch of recent exorcisms Mrs. Warren and I preformed" Bella looks very excited "The first one we have is a clip of the Perron family exorcism they had a music box with contained a dangerous spirit which was owned by the youngest child in the family the middle child's body was taken over by the spirit which lead us to preforming the exorcism" Mr. Warren is already up at the projector and has the clip started after Mrs. Warren finished talking.

After the clip is finished people look petrified especially Olivia I think Leah was just admiring Mr. Warren it's very funny to me "Now we have had even more dangerous ones but we will leave it until later on in the semester" Mrs. Warren nods while Mr. Warren talks eventually Mr. Warren looks at Leah then she looks away quicker that she could blink.

Before we know it, it's 1:45 "Now that concludes our class for today tomorrow we'll be talking about possession of dolls and objects" Mrs. Warren says as she collects up the clips "So that concludes our class for today great job everyone" Mr. Warren says. Before you know it people are scattering out of the lecture room to the cafeteria.


"Honey did you see that girl dark brown hair green eyes?" I look at ed then he turns to me "Malia Hart" I nod "I have a bad feeling about something about her I'm not sure why but she gives off a bad vibe I don't know how to describe I think she has some doll that's not like a normal doll" he looks at me "Why would you think that?" I shrug then he smiles and kisses my forehead "Don't worry about anything everything will be fine"

I smile "Alright" he takes my hand and we walk to the car I put everything into the car then sit in the passenger seat ed goes around and sits in the driver then he drives off and we go home.


While the girls and I are eating Leah speaks up "Mr. Warren looked at me when I was admiring him......" Olivia chokes on her water and bursts out laughing and she pats Leahs back "Oh please Leah you messed up" Bella holds in her laugh I giggle a bit.

"Leah you have to stop admiring him so much yes I know you're into him but calm down" I hear Bella say after containing herself from laughing "Bella is right Leah" Olivia adds "Oh please trust me you don't want to start on Mr. Warren but did you hear a few of the boy talking about Mrs. Warren?" I look at everyone Leah giggles "I heard" after talking about the class we all decide to go back to my dorm so we leave the cafeteria and go


We walk in and I set my bag down Leah giggles excitedly "It's decorated wonderfully!" I smile "Thank you"  I go to sit down and realise Annabelle is sitting there "Wait......" I left the doll in my room on my bed, Bella gives me a worried look "What's wrong Malia" I turn to her "Nothings wrong someone's probably playing a trick on me" Olivia looks a little concerned "A trick with what?" I look at her "The doll one of my friends must've came in and moved her or something." Leah nods "ok" we talk and listen to music for a long while and before we know it, it's 7:20pm

"Girls I think we should go" Bella looks around at everything Olivia responds "Good idea we'll see you in class tomorrow Malia" I nod "Bye!" they all stand up and walks to the door and eventually say in sync "Bye!" then they leave.


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