Chapter 9

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I start getting dressed putting on my queen t-shirt and bell bottom jeans I start singing the song great king rat while putting on eyeliner then I hear the girls burst through the door "MALIA!!" I put on my shoes while jumping out of my room to the living room Bella laughs "What are you doing?" I fall onto the couch continuing to put on my shoes "Trying to put on my shoes" I get them on and stands up grabbing my purse Leah smiles "Come on lets go the concert starts at 7:30 we can't be late!" Selah nods "Let's go" we leave and walk off the campus and walk through the town.

We hand our tickets over and walk in we are really early which is good so we are up the front it's not too loud so we sit down and have a conversation for a while.


The band walk onto the stage and everyone screams and cheers a lot of girls run to the stage I turn to Selah she looks very excited so is Leah and the rest of them the static in the room is amazing I love it.

They start to sing Bohemian Rhapsody everyone sings along its the best the ever I haven't had this much fun in a while. They play so many songs seven dead of rhye, killer queen, seaside rendezvous, '39 is my personal favourite, sweet lady, death on two legs, god save the queen and the final song is love of my life Selah turns to me "I heard that Freddie wrote this song for his fiancé" Leah turns to face Selah in complete and utter shock "Fiancé?!?!??" Selah nods "I didn't know Freddie had a fiancé" I look at Leah "Me neither Leah me neither" Selah laughs then we all start singing along.


The concert finishes and people start leaving we walk out and it's dark and cold. "That was one of the best concerts ever!" I look at them all smiling Bella and Olivia nod "It was amazing" Leah smiles "Come on lets go back we have a lecture tomorrow" we all nod and start walking through the town to the campus. We walk into the campus and split our separate ways and go to our dorms I walk into mine and run to my room fall onto the bed and accidentally fall asleep.

Malia's dream

She looks around the room and walk out to the living room this isn't a house she's been in before then she hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it a little girl is tapping on the window close to the door the girl faces her "Us Annabelle coming out to play?" she looks at the girl confused "Annabelle.....?" the girls slowly transforms into the dark scary creature with horns and it runs into the house and down to the basement she follows it and sees Mr and Mrs. Warren in the room Mr. Warren is trying to ask Mrs. Warren but she can't stop staring at the creature neither can she, she runs over to Mrs. Warren "Can you see it too?" Mrs. Warren doesn't answer she looks at Mr. Warren "Is Mrs. Warren alright?" he doesn't answer she's invisible to them then the creature touches her shoulder lightly then grabs her.


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