The end

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10 years later in a lecture hall full of young students with fluffy hair and bright clothes

Olivia's pov :

"That story is why I wanted to start teaching criminology" I put Malias diary onto my desk and walked away from it. "She was my best friend and she died like that because me and none of our friends really knew what was happening" I said with my voice breaking very close to tears.

A beautiful blonde girl with a bright face raised her hand. I pointed to her giving her the signal to ask me whatever she wanted to ask.

"Where is the doll now? Do Mr and Mrs Warren have it or do you? Or did you end up destroying it?" she asked in a soft voice.

I sighed "Mr and Mrs Warren keep it locked away  in a box made from glass from trinity church before it was knocked down. It keeps all of the evil in that boxed contained. If the doll was burned the spirit inside would've been released and it would've ended up in a new vessel so they didn't want to risk that." I walked over to the chalk board cleaning off the writing

"I want this story to be a lesson to you all if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have something that contains a very evil spirit contact Ed and Lorraine Warren. They have been doing this for years. They're very nice people. I'm still in contact with Lorraine and sometimes she regrets not doing something sooner but she said that she has learned that taking care of things before it gets way to out of hand truly is...

The only way out."

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