Varian's sister x OC

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I never expected to make such a big decision as being ready to give up my immortality,but when a loved one is on the verge of death... everything is possible especially when the loved one is your mate,and he was a mortal man.

I was the princess of the Summer court,I was a fae and my mate was a human. We met when the Courts decided to form an alliance with the human armies that were on our side.

Alastair was the commander of one of the few human armies which we agreed to host in Summer.

He couldn't feel the bond as I could,but he could tell there was something. He was the one who decided to take the first step and approach me,this led to a beautiful relationship blossoming between us and later, to our engagement.
I could still remember the way he proposed,the sweet words he said.

"I might not be from a noble blood,I might not have a big fortune to offer you and your family, I can only promise you my heart and my unconditional love,Y/N. I might come from a poor background,but I made my way up with hard work and I promise to do the same in order to give you the best life possible filled with love and happiness. Will you marry me, sweetheart?"  said Alastair,those being his exact words as I remember them word by word even if this was from over half a year ago.

I happily agreed, throwing myself on him,showering him in hugs and sweet kisses as my eyes teared up due to the insane amount of happiness.

It was all a bliss until my brother-Varian,found out. He was furious. Not because of anything else,but because my mate and now fiancé was a mortal man.

"I couldn't be happier for you, sister,but I can't allow you to one day end in endless suffering and tears when his short,mortal life ends. You will stay on this world forever,while he slips away every single day until the time of his death arrives. I can't let you do this to yourself." said Varian, striding with a big step towards the throne room as I followed him around as a lost puppy,anger and fury radiating from me.

"Then let it be so,brother. I will come to terms with it one day, until then I want to spend whatever time I have left with him,filled with happiness." I said as my words made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Y/N..." he started but I didn't let him finish.

"I understand your concerns brother,but you are being selfish now. You have the amazing opportunity to spent eternity with Amren,with your mate and nobody objects it,but I don't have that luxury,and I insist on taking the opportunity I have now,while it's not too late. And you cannot stop me." I said as I watched his expression change to at least 5 different emotions while I was speaking.

"No! Y/N ,you will do no such thing. I won't let you, I can't bare the emptiness in my heart from your absence. I want you to stay in your room,until you've made your mind the right way." said Varian as he left me in the middle of the big hallway.

That's how we ended up where we were now-me laying over my now husband's dying body,bitter tears spilling from my mouth.

That day when I lastly spoke to Varian I ended up sneaking out and leaving for my mate's location, a week later we married and began to live the rest of the time we had left in each other's arms.

We never thought it might come to an end a lot sooner than expected.

The war started, taking down everything in its was with the destructive power in held,that included my husband's life as he layed on the ground, breathing heavily as his lungs filled with blood slowly. His beautiful hazel eyes staring into my, filled with so much love even in his last living minutes.

"I...I Y/N" chocked out Alastair as he pulled his shaking hand up,cupping my cheek softly.

"I love you too,baby . You're going to be okay. I won't let you die, I love you. I'd give everything in order to save you,Al, everything." I whispered as I leaned over him, capturing his cold lips in mine as heavy tears fell .

In this moment it was just the two of us and no one else,it was like there was no war around us, we were at peace.

Everything went quiet after a few seconds and I found myself in a place different than my previous whereabouts.

"Hello?! Where am I? Alastair? Anyone?" I called out to the space surrounding me .

I didn't receive a response immediately,but a few seconds later I heard a calm, soothing voice, it was coming from all different directions.

"Your pain is great,my child. I couldn't stay still and do nothing to try and help you." It was a woman's voice,but there was no one near around me.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where's my husband and everyone else?!" I asked.

"It's of no importance who I am and where you are. The only important thing is that I heard your desperate calls for someone to save your loved one and here I am" the woman said.

"Are you really ready to give up everything,in order to save your mate? Even your endless lifespan?" she asked.

I replied with no hesitation.

"Take whatever you want,take my life if you want,just save him. Don't let him so soon in his life,he can give my people more than I could. Please save him."I begged as I sobbed.

"Very well then,my child. This was all I needed to know what type of a person you are. And you are a fiery one,ready to give up their own existence for the ones they love. A person like you deserves to live their life to the fullest. That's why what I'm about to do is a gift for your good soul. Both your and your husband's life are about to be connected forever. As long as you life,he shall live to. Enjoy happiness to its limits and never change the way you're going. You'll do great things,my child." said the voice.

Seconds later bright light embraced me and then I was back again on the war field,just this time Alastair wasn't drowning in his own blood,he was looking in my eyes with love filled look.

"You're okay? Oh my love you're okay!" I said as I hugged him hard.

"Whatever you did for this to happen Y/N, I couldn't be more thankful. I love you so much. I never cared what your brother thought of our relationship not will I care in the future. I want to be with you forever." said the man who held my heart as he kissed me once again passionately.

"I have no idea what happened Al,but for as long as I'm walking and breathing on this land,so will you too." I smiled against his lips as I watched his face fill with confusion.

"Forever baby" said Alastair as he stroked my hairs softly.

"Forever" I replied as I held his other hand in mine.

Time skip

Nobody was able to understand my story,my brother was furious when he found out, telling me that it was some kind of a bargain with fate itself. I couldn't care less. The only thing that mattered was my loved one's wellbeing.

As the years went by , the promise the misterious woman gave became more and more real. Alastair stayed the same as he was almost 50 years ago,just as I did.

He and my brother finally made peace and now they were the best of friends. Alastair was made a commander of one of our legions as everyone admired his battle strategies and quick thinking.

I stood by my husband's side at whatever situation life threw our way, there was nothing able to separate us,even death couldn't do it all those years ago. And I don't think it will ever happen.

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