Chapter 1

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Kami POV

Todoroki looked in my direction.
"Kaminari, truth or dare?"
"Uh, Truth."
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Subconsciously, I flicked my eyes up to Kirishima and then back down to the floor.
"That's a waste of a truth. He hasn't even presented yet. It'd be stupid for him to have a crush." I grabbed Sero's arm, I know he was just trying to save me the embarrassment of having a crush. I like an alpha and he'll definitely want to end up with an omega or maybe even a manly beta like Bakugo. When presenting this late it's rare to be anything other than a beta and I'm already boring enough. Having a crush really is pointless. I'm just breaking my own heart.
"I, uh-yeah I do actually."
"Really dunce face? I expected you to at least be smarter than that."
"Who is it?" Mina whined.
"That wasn't part of the truth."
"You're no fair."
"Yeah, yeah. Bakugo truth or dare?"
"Dare. I ain't no bitch."
"I dare you to show off your scent."
"Why? It's not like you could smell it anyway."
"I'm not the only one who wanted to know." Half the room nodded and shrugged agreeing with me.

Bakugo POV

Stupid Pikachu. I guess this is it. I have been talking to shitty hair about letting the class know I'm an omega. He thinks I should for safety reasons. I don't need help from any of these extras, but it will make Kirishima's alpha happy. I feel someone grab my shoulder. It was the red head himself.
"You don't have to."
"No, you're right it's safer and I ain't a pussy." Before anyone could question my comment about safety I ripped the scent blocker off my neck and released my sweet caramel scent. I could hear all the side whispers. Stupid Deku is holding his nose, does he think I smell bad? tch. Whatever. Everyone is staring a me."What, never smelt an omega before? If any of you have anything to say I'll kill you." I could feel Kirishima's grip on my shoulder tighten.
"That was real manly bro. I'm proud of you." My face began to heat up and my heart started to flutter. He let go.
"So are you and Kirishima?" Leave it to raccoon eyes to medal where she doesn't fucking belong.
"But you smell like him. I've known Kirishima forever. That lingering burnt smell is his, isnt it?"
"Uh. S-shut up." I didn't want to deal with this right now.

3rd POV

Bakugo stood and his palms began to spark. Kirishima jumped to his feet grabbed his shoulder once more.
"Bakubro, just relax man."
"Don't call me that and get off of me shitty hair." Midoriya stood up.
"Let go of my mate!"

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