Chapter 17

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It's been a little over a week since the miscarriage. Bakugo has spent the last couple nights in the other omega's dorm. The three boys noticed he's been secluding himself so they've been trying to focus on him a little more. Eijiro has breakfast with him every morning, Izuku takes care of and looks out for him during the day, and Katsuki cooks and makes sure he eats dinner. Bakugo is the only one Kaminari doesn't push away at night. Tonight was no different. Both omegas cuddled up in bed.
"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and then I'll be in class."
"I'm not going to class tomorrow."
"Okay baby boy. I'll see you after school then. Let's get some sleep."

The next morning Bakugo said his farewell to the other omega. Aizawa told him to take as much time off as he needed. This will only be his second time missing class. Last time he sat on the common room couch watching movies all day.

Bakugo went for an ultra sound and received amazing news. He stopped by the dorms to retrieve a book he forgot for class. He was expecting to be in and out. He could maybe even give Kaminari a quick kiss in passing if he was awake.
He wasn't expecting to call for emergency services.

Bakugo walked down the front steps of Heights Alliance as Aizawa and most of class 1A rushed to see the commotion. The explosive teen had called for an ambulance and on arrival he was forced out of the room. As they approached he turned his head left and looked toward the ground to avoid eye contact with any of his class mates.
"Kats, is that blood?" Kirishima questioned stepping forward toward his mate. Aizawa put his hand out to stop the alpha. Sure enough Bakugo's hands and blazer were both soaked in blood. He studied the boy.
"Bakugo, are you hurt?" His voice was broken and shaky. Bakugo was to lost in his thoughts to respond. "Bakugo! Look at me! Where are you bleeding?" Aizawa's heart stopped. His biggest nightmare coming true. Everyone was staring waiting for his answer.
"It's not mine." He whispered just barely audible. He lifted his head and turned his face toward his teacher. Finally noticeable on his cheek was a bloody hand print too big to be his own outlined in burnt flesh. "I left him alone. I knew he wasn't okay and I still left him." Aizawa stepped closer to get a better look at the boy. "What if i never get to tell him? What if I'm too late? What if I was to late to save him?" Bakugo started swaying. He could feel his heart beat spastically with no set rhythm as he slowly started to collapse. Aizawa was able to slide his hands under the boy's head before it hit the ground. The paramedics emerged from the building with a stretcher lead out by recovery girl.
"I need another ambulance. I have a student who has been electrocuted."
Kirishima pushed closer. "He's pregnant!" The students of 1A were speechless as they watched recovery girl and one of the paramedics tend to their classmate on the concrete. Some of the teens started to sob as they watched the other two paramedics load the stretcher into the back of the ambulance that held a very pale and unconscious Kaminari.
Aizawa was spaced out when the paramedic tried to gain his attention.
"Are you able to get in contact with either of the boys' parents?"
"Midoriya, I don't have time to look for phone numbers. You have Bakugo's parents phone number, right?"
"Yes sir."
"Call them." Izuku fumbled with his phone a few times before Kirishima took it from him.
"On it." The paramedic turned back to the insomniac pro hero.
"And the other?"
"Not necessary, he's mine."
"Do you want to ride along with your son to the hospital?"
"I have another student to look after. Hitoshi? Take the ride with your brother. Please. Keep me updated. I'm going to take the ride in with Bakugo. I'm right behind you." They all watched as Shinso climbed into the back of the ambulance. As the doors were about to close they heard the flatline and then heard his heart rate stabilize.
"His quirk keeps restarting his heart but we can't rely on that. We need to move now."
Aizawa and all of 1A watched as the ambulance containing their electric classmate pulled away.

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