Chapter 10

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"Someone go check on Izuku. His conflicted emotions are making me dizzy." Denki pinched the bridge of his nose trying to slow the oncoming headache.
"I feel like I have to throw up anyway." Bakugo headed for the bathroom. When he opened the door he was met with a very flustered alpha with a towel over his head drying his hair. He turned his head and cleared his throat. Midoriya was startled and quickly threw the towel around his waist.
"Ever heard of a lock nerd?"
"I well, I-I didn't want to lock you out just in case-" Bakugo shoved him out of the way and dove for the toilet. "-you weren't feeling well." Izuku rubbed his back for a few seconds before pulling his hand away. "I'll go get Eijiro." Kat looked up to him.
"No, stay." Midoriya knelt down as he threw his head back into the bowl once again and began rubbing his back once more. Bakugo sat back and sighed. "This decision doesn't just belong to just Eij and I...Izuku, how do you feel?" The greenette was thrown off. He still wasn't used to hearing his first name from Bakugo.
"Umm honestly? You didn't even know we were mates so I can't really be mad or upset and it wouldn't be fair for me to intervene in your decision. I've always looked up to you. I think I've always been in love with you but I ignored my feelings because I knew I had a mate. I'm just happy that I finally found you."
"Me too nerd. Look Izuku, I Uh...I'm. Well I'm sorry." The other boy was shocked Bakugo never apologizes for anything."If I knew I was going to have a mate...well I-I wouldn't have..."
"Kacchan, you didn't know, so stop. It's okay. Kirishima was your alpha. If you're happy with your pregnancy than so am I." Kat nodded. He still felt terrible. Midoriya sat beside him and the omega leaned his on his shoulder as they just enjoyed each other's company.

In the other room Kirishima looked over to Kaminari.
"You know if I had known we were fated, you'd be the one who was pregnant right now. A part of me knew we were fated. I was just so drawn to you and now I know why. Kat and I didn't have a a future written in stone and deep down I knew it was temporary. That's why we never actually talked about pups even though we both thought about it. We said we'd never even have the conversation about me possibly marking him until after we graduated. Yes, I eventually wanted all of that but I was looking for it the wrong person. Denks, I'm sorry I fell in love with someone else first but that doesn't mean I don't love you because I do, I really do."
"Kirishima, -"
"I know you're going to say it's too early to say that but it's not. Denks you've always been one of my best friends, after finding out you were meant to be mine, it was so easy to love you, everything about you. "
"No, no let me finish. You are perfect in every way and I know I have a lot to make up for but-"
"Eijiro! I love you too." Kirishima relaxed into a wide smile. "Now why don't you go check on Kat?"
"Izuku's first instinct would have been to get me and he didn't. If I know anything about Kat he wanted him there. After all the mixed feelings they've had over the years, they need this moment. Kat needs to learn to trust and let him in when he's most vulnerable. This is a good start it took Kat ages to open up to me. It's good to see he's at least trying to accept Izuku as his mate."
"Yeah, I can't relate I've already accepted mine." Kirishima leaned over and connected their lips. The kiss was soft and loving. They pulled apart when they heard the door open. Bakugo stepped out of the bathroom. Kirishima froze.
"Kat, I'm-" Just then he noticed he was holding Midoriya's hand.
"It's aright, I love you but you were never really mine." Izuku squeezed his hand and he squeezed back just as hard. Something about it just felt right. "Now go shower."
"Oh uh right. I'll be quick."
"You better." Bakugo sat back down in the nest and cuddled up to the other omega as Denki began to run his fingers through his hair. Midoriya settled in next to them. He leaned over and kissed both the boys temples and proceeded to try and get comfortable. He rested his head on Kaminari's shoulder and wrapped his outside arm around Kat's torso cuddling in close. They still needed to have a conversation about how the three of them were going to spend the the rest of Denki's heat together but it could wait a little longer.
They sat in the comfortable silence until the dark blonde began to lightly snore. Kat intertwined his fingers with the hand around his waist. "Izuku?" Tonight had been the first time in ten years he had called him by his first name and he didn't realize how much he missed it until now. It made his stomach begin to flutter.
"I'm sorry." The blonde never apologized and here he was saying it again. Before the alpha could argue with him, he continued. "I'm sorry for ruining our friendship, for bullying you, for hiding my scent, fuck...for asking Eijiro to knot me, for everything."
"Kacchan... you don't have to apologize. The fact you now know we're mated and didn't reject me right away shows me that everything you just said is true. I have never seen you apologize to anyone. I forgive you. Don't you dare feel guilty about any of it. We know and we're here now and you're blessed with a pup, we are moving forward. Katsuki, I love you. I always have." Midoriya lifted his head off of Denki's shoulder. "Look at me." Kat gently sat up and met Izuku's eyes. "I meant every word I said. Don't you dare feel guilty." He crawled into the alphas lap and squeezed him tight. "I love you Kacchan." Bakugo tucked his face into his neck. He wasn't quite ready to return the phrase. They still had a long way to go with many obstacles ahead but the nerd was growing on him.
"Thank you for everything." Once again they fell into a comfortable silence, well minus Denki's soft snores. Eventually Kirishima returned to the bedroom. Bakugo woke the electric quirk user and carried him to the bathroom.

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