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" I had almost forgotten what sleeping on a bed feels like" Mahad groaned in satisfaction as his back touched the soft mattress.

" What?" Dur Afshaan climbed on the bed from her side and straightened out the covers before sitting beside her husband.

" No-nothing" Mahad closed his eyes in self reprimand.

How can he let this slip in front of her!

" It's definitely not nothing" she crawled upto him and propped her head on his chest.

" Ab aap mujhse baatein bhi chupaane lag jaayenge?" Dur Afshaan pouted at him.

Mahad sighed before pulling her on top of him, not missing the blush that spread on her face and pulled the quilt over them both.

" I had stopped sleeping on the bed after you left" he told her cautiously lest she have a violent reaction to this.

" Kyu?" Dur Afshaan was genuinely confused hearing that.

" Because the bed belonged to you since so many days and it just felt wrong to sleep on it when it's owner wasn't there. I made a vow then that I would sleep on OUR bed only when you allow me to. Only when you come back home" Mahad caressed her cheeks lovingly as his wife looked at him with teary eyes.

" Qays..." Dur Afshaan trailed off, not knowing how to respond to that.

It may sound stupid but maybe it was her husband's way of repenting? And who was she to judge him on that!

" I've done so many wrongs by you sweetheart. I just wanted to do something right" he whispered guiltily and Dur Afshaan just wrapped her arms around his waist in response.

" You've done so many right things too. Even your wrongs were righter than my Dadajaan's evilness" she traced patterns on his chest as he kissed her hair over and over again.

Still in disbelief that she decided to give him a chance!

" Hmmm" Mahad hummed softly and wrapped his arm around her back, plastering her to himself.

" Can we talk about something else?" Dur Afshaan was in no mood for sleeping since it will be day break in a few hours.

And there was so much to know about her husband, so much to tell him about herself!

" What do you have in mind?" He smiled down at her and she just rubbed her face against his chest like a kitten.

" Did you always want to be a Minister?" She felt him stiffening at that and instantly regretted her question.

Mahad stilled hearing that because it was for that very thing he had hurt her so much. Infact he had married her just for the chance of being a Minister!

" It's okay if you don't want to..." She trailed off again when he started talking.

" My grandfather was the best Governor our land had ever seen. He was kind and he was just. He would come down to the ground level and solve problems of the masses. He had no political agenda greater than his people's good " Mahad smiled fondly as he remembered his grandfather.

Shaghf Rusthan Gashkori.

" Then one election his confidante sabotaged his campaign. He revealed his strategies to the opposition and even laundered the campaign funds to flow to the other party..." Mahad felt his fury rising and Dur Afshaan rubbed his chest to calm him down.

And it worked like a charm.

Mahad kissed her head and gave her a small smile before continuing.

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