An ally

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-_| CHAPTER 3 |_-

CW: mentions of torture
Word count: 2210

God. It was so fucking cold in here. Why didn't she go home to get warmer clothes for this weather? I'm so fucking dumb. She thought to herself, shivering from the cold, but kept walking forward to her destination. Ranboo already left, after telling her to walk to the direction he pointed, apologizing and telling her that he has some stuff to deal with. A cold gush of wind was mercilessly striking her, as if Gods were testing her. Which...was right, maybe. After all, DreamXD told her that he'll watch them. She mumbled a curse under her breath, quickening her pace on the snowy ground, the pure white snow crunching beneath her netherite boots. That's when she saw an outline of the house and dim light far away. She...found it. Fucking finally. It took her at least 20 or more minutes to walk there. And she just switched into sprint as the outline of the house became clearer. When she got there, she started knocking on the door agressively till it was opened from the other side.

"Uh-...Y/n? What are you doing here, mate?" It was Phil. He knew her since they met a couple of times back then.
"I- I'm here to talk about something important." Philza nodded, stepping aside, letting her in.
"Let's warm you up first." He hummed, leading her to the fireplace in the house. She muttered a 'thank you', warming herself up. "So...what did you want to talk about? Should I call Techno?"
"I think it'd be good, yeah."
"One sec, then." Philza went upstairs, where Techno was. They both appeared moments later, with Techno staring at her intensively.
"Hi Techno."

"Yooooo, it's Y/n. Hello, nerd." His voice is monotone as always. Classic Technoblade. "I've heard you've got something to talk about?" He didn't know her well, but he met her several times, chatted for a short time before he gad to go. He never really had a chance of speaking with her for real. And he noticed something. The last time he met her, her right eye was green. And this was e/c colour, just like her left eye. Meaning, she found her significant other. He wondered who it was.
"Yeah. It's about Dream." Oh. Dream. So he was her soulmate? Interesting.
"I suggest you sit down." She nodded, seating on the sofa, Techno and Phil seating on the armchairs. "So, about Dream, huh?" She nodded.
"As you know he's in the prison. For a long time. And...uh he's getting tortured there every day-" Phil's eyes widened in surprise, while Techno just blinked.
"Heh? By who? Sam?"

"No." She shook her head. "It's Quackity. Dream said that he's coming to him every day, to torture him. And he wasn't lying, he had a huge gash on his back and new scars." Hm. "And Sam is letting him do that to Dream. He's gone nuts after that incident with Tommy. He even threatened me."
"That doesn't sound like Sam I used to know, mate." Philza shook his head. "I mean, that's cruel. I don't think Dream deserved that." Y/n puffed out a sigh at that.
"L for Dream. He's such a loser." Philza laughed. "Anyway, in other words, you want us to break him out?" Techno cut to the chase.
"Help me to break him out." She corrected him.
"Does he want that or?..Is he using the favour?"
"No, no- it's me. I am asking you guys a favour."

"What do you think, Tech?" Philza glanced at Techno who was thinking.
"I don't know, Phil. Do you want to help them out?"
"I guess. I mean, it'd benefit us too, we'll have allies too." That would benefit both sides.
"That's true." Techno hummed in agreement, falling into thinking once again. Y/n was staring at him expectantly, hoping that he'll agree. "Alright, let's break him out." She cheered internally after hearing his response. Oh my fucking God, yes!
"I'm with you, guys." Philza hummed.
"Thank you. Thank you so much, you two." She flashed them a smile, genuinely grateful.
"Oh, want some tea?" Philza questioned with a tilt of his head.
"That's not necessary. Don't worry yourself, Phil. Then... we'll have to think of a plan."
"Yeah, right."
"Actually, I've been inspecting this prison lately. Mining your way through the walls is impossible since you'll get the elder guardian's mining fatigue. So I thought of something."

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