Chapter 2

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Gojou just looked at you, dumbfounded.

"Didn't you hear me, idiot?"

His eyes got soft as he got off of you. "Alright, I won't do that again unless you force me to"

You rolled your eyes at him before going to sit on the bed. You were frustrated, to say the least. The only thing you had in mind was to find a way out. Completely ignoring Gojou, your mind wandered to different plans that were never good enough.

The man's blue eyes were observing you keenly. Despite wanting you to himself, he didn't like the idea of you hating him for it. In his mind, Gojou was doing everything right and that's why it pained him to see you react like this. He wasn't going to let you go but he'd try his best to make sure you were happy with him.

"Baby?" He said while going to sit down next to you.

"Can you leave me alone, please? I don't want to talk to you..."

Gojou's eyes were still on you, a concerned look on his face. He wasn't delusional to the point where he'd think you weren't angry because of him.

He gently pulled you in and kissed your forehead. "I understand it's hard but remember that I still love you and that I'm doing this for you."

You bit your lip. "How the hell can he be so controlling yet so nurturing? Oh, I get it. You're just trying to manipulate me" you thought.

You pushed him away and he sighed. But then, you received a notification. Gojou took out your phone from his pocket and read the message out loud.

"Hey, bae. When are you coming back?"

You looked up at him. "Give me that" you ordered.

"Who is this Kaisu?"

"Just give me that"

He threw the phone at you and you barely caught it.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" you shrieked.

Gojou completely ignored what you said. "You might wanna text back," he declared nonchalantly. You started to get suspicious of him. If he was this laid back about someone calling you bae, then something was up.

Nonetheless,  you opened your phone, viewed Kaisu's message and was about to text something when Gojou snatched it from you.

"I am sick of you! Gojou, what the fuck?!"

He took the opportunity to scroll through your messages as his lips slowly formed into a frown.

"So far, I see lots of hearts. The both of you have been making plans to hang out and...Why do you call each other bae?"

You knew Gojou enough to know when he was mad. And right now, he was. How could you tell? Because of how his laid back tone contrasted the coldness in his eyes. Gojou would snap at any point in time.

"It doesn't mean anything. It's just another nickname like 'boo' for example"

The frown on his face disappeared. His face was straight and his tone shifted to a serious one.

"Just a nickname, huh? Well, it's been months since you called me 'baby'. And you've been texting this dude for months too... Y/N. Did you cheat on me?"

You sighed, "Gojou, you and I aren't together anymore. And even when we were, I never cheated on you. Plus, Kaisu is a girl"

"Don't play that card on me. So what if it's a girl? Do you think that changes anything? How do you expect me to believe you when you were about to leave me?"

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