chapter 12 The Secret

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"Well?" Larry said mockingly.
"uhm we didn't do much we just watched a movie yeah..!" I still sound fuming nervous what's wrong with me.

"yeah sure" He grinned and turned to Sal.

"sooo what did you do to them?" His grin became wider than ever.

"we just watched a movie and slept together nothing much" He said acting pretty calm.

"i know that's a fuckin lie, you'd tell me stuff when we were high. rememberrrr?" Larry got up and patted Sals shoulder which made him flinch.

"wait what- what are you talking about?" He quickly looked at Larry nervously.

"oh so you forgot? lemme just repeat what you told me to y/n" He slowly turned to you and took a deep breath.

"I would be so fuckin happy if i got to sleep with y/n and do more with her, if you know what i meannn, i don't remember the last time i felt so good" Larry said in a mocking voice trying to sound like Sal.

"Larry you fucking bitch." Sal jumped onto Larry strangling his ass.

I was still sitting there in shock not knowing what to say.

"h..haha fucker" Larry said trying to breath.

"Sal?" I said as Sal slowly turned to me with red ears.
"Yeah..?" He said while still on Larry who is trying to breath.

"You said that?"


"WHAT" I accidentally yelled since i was surprised as hell.

"well.. i was high at the moment and that's why it slipped out-"

"so you're not denying it" I cut him off accidentally.

"of course not, i said it" He said scratching his neck.

The funny thing was i noticed Larry just sitting there with a stupid grin on his face knowing he spilt one of Sals secrets.

"well..?" I said wanting him to elaborate.

"well what?" He put his arm down tilting his head all confused.

"well i want you to explain what you meant" I grinned.

"oh.. well- you see-" Before Sal could studded anymore Larry cut him off saying, "He wants to fuck you" He bit his lip trying not to laugh.

"ohhh i see"

"You're saying it like you knew already.." He said with a "😀" look.

(idk how to explain it lmao)

"oh well.. he already did" I said as my grin got wider.

"WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS? AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME" He jumped up in shock and excitement.

"WHY WOULD WE TELL YOU?" I yelled back in confusion.

"BECAUSE WERE LIKE BEST FRIENDS RIGHT?" He crossed his arms pouting like a damn baby.

"i mean i guess so-"

"YOU GUESS?" He yelled out cutting you off.

"why are you guys yelling so much" Sal said giving you both a low key scared vibe.
"because i feel left out on this" Larry said turning to Sal.

"Damn that's kinda tough" Sal chuckled.

"Shut the hell up" Larry scoffed.

"can you tell me what happened though? Like did you make her pass out or the other way around, i need answers." Larry sounded
pretty serious which made
the two of us nervous.

"You act like we're going to tell you everything-" I made a "😀" face.

Larry cutting me off again said "i'll ask you another time when your zooted out of your mind then."

"Sure whatever" I shrugged.

Nothing but silence filled the room as you all laid in your spots in Larry's room.
"Oh dude guess what" Sal said in excitement.

"What?" Larry turned over to Sal.

"I learned how to play that sanitys falls song you live so much"

"DEADASS?" He yelled.

"Deadass." Sal nodded.

"Lets go to your apartment there since your guitar is there too" Larry suggested.

"Alright" Sal got up as Larry and I followed.

Once we got to his door Sal unlocked it and walked inside.
The first the we hear from his living is Gizmo meowing at us.

"Is he.. watching a cop movie?" I questioned.
"Yeah he does that sometimes" Sal said as he patted Gizmos head and walked over to his room.

"Dude you act like that's normal" Larry said.
"Well to me it is, i literally walked in on Gizmo taking a bath"

"what the hell" Larry eyes widened.

"anyways.." Sal opened his door and quickly grabbed his guitar and didn't waste time.

"Larry shut up and listen to this"

Sal started

I left off this exact part before school started and now idk how to end it so yeah i'm sorry i'll probably finsih it but it wont be right now😃 i mean i'm already failing my classes and it's only the second week of school🙂 i just didn't want to keep you guys waiting

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