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Rei's POV

the ride home was silent. i decided not to go back to my home, for the sake of Technoblade. after explaining his voices, it's all i could worry about now. as the sky dims, i wonder what's going on in Technoblades head.

what are they telling him to do?

Phil's flapping wings are heard faintly above us as we approach the path to the portal. Techno just passes it, like it didn't exist. "aren't we using the Nether to travel?" i ask. "we're taking you home." he says, monotone. "i'm going home with you." a look of confusion flashes on his face "why?" he asks, a sliver of frustration in his voice. i didn't respond, instead turning towards the path to the portal. i heard Techno huff behind me as i now lead the group. he found his place beside me and my horse again while we approach the portal.

"why are you coming with me?"

he asks again, curiosity replacing the anger once there.

Technos POV

"i'm worried about you sometimes. i miss you a lot, and i don't want something bad to happen after that battle we just had."

the sputtering feeling in my stomach began to grow again.

she's made Techno a mess___she's so nice and caring___we've gotta convince him to ask her-

shut up!

"thank you Rei. i appreciate that. a lot." she gave me a warm, genuine smile. to which i returned. "there you are." she says, gesturing to my smile. i chuckle at her and continue through the portal.

we had arrived to my house within a few hours of Nether traveling. Rei had went upstairs to the room that she stayed in the first time, while i went into mine. i sat on my bed, hold my face in my hands.

she is going to be the death of me..

damn right she is___we need more blood___give it to us Techno___Quackitys wasn't enough.

i groan into my hands.

Phil's POV

as i clean out the chests, i hear Techno groan.

uh oh

i make my way up the stairs and into his room. he's pacing the room, back and forth. his arms are folded in front of him. "you alright mate?" i ask, placing a hand on his shoulder. "they won't shut up Phil. blood. it's all they want right now." i sit him down on the bed. "wait here." i leave the room and make my way to Rei's.

Rei's POV

i sit on my bed, thinking about what happened today. the events were enough to traumatized anyone, especially after seeing Quackitys wound.

i hear footsteps approach my door. Phil walks in, a worried look on his face. "it's Techno. his voices are bothering him." with that, i immediately get up and head to his room.

im met with Technoblade sitting on the edge of his bed, his forehead in his palms. he's mumbling something to himself. i don't say anything, instead approaching him. he looks up at me with crazed eyes, his pupils dilated. "what are they saying?" i ask him. "they want more. today's battle wasn't enough. they won't be quiet for one minute." he says, his voice starting to get more intense. he lays his hands in his lap, grabbing handfuls of the cloth on his pants. i sit beside him on the bed and place my hand on top of one of his. his body relaxes at my touch. he lets out a deep sigh and turns his hand over, holding his hand in mine.

the fluttery feeling in my stomach grows. i feel my face heat up as he rubs circles on my hand with his thumb. we sit in a comfortable silence before i speak up. "it will be okay. what are they saying now?" in a low, sleepy voice he says "now they won't shut up about how pretty you are." my face heats up as a smile grows on my face.

are you sure those were the voices mr. Technoblade?

"oh really?" i say, chuckling. he gives me a raspy hum in response. i laugh until i feel a weight leaning into me. looking up i see Techno, dozing off. i pat my shoulder "you can lean on me if you want." i say, a smile growing on my face. he chuckles a bit saying, "do you want me to lean on you? am i just that attractive?"

yes. absolutely.

WHAT?! what the fuck has gotten into me.

i scoff and start to get up. "well if you going to be like that then i'll just leave." i say, a smile heard in my voice. "wait i was just kidding." he says, not letting go of his grip on my hand. he pulls me back down onto the bed, immediately laying his head on my shoulder. "you're a child Techno." i say. the vibration of his laugh rattles my body. "no, i'm just tired." he says, yawning. "then go to sleep." no response.

i sit quietly for a few minutes, enjoying his company. his scent fills my nose as his hair brushes up my neck. i lean my weight into him, counterbalancing our weight.

i cant believe i've grown on you Techno. you are one lucky man. i never thought i would question my feelings for someone like you.

he's going to be the death of me.

i lean my head on top of his. "to answer your question from earlier, yes, you are attractive." i say quietly. i feel him chuckle. my breathe hitches as soon as he moves. "thanks Rei." he says, leaning into me more.

Phil walks into the room with a glass of water. "i see he's fallen asleep." he says, a smile playing on his face. "no. not yet" Techno says, quickly leaning off of me. he stretches his arms out. Phil places the glass on the side table. "i'll leave this here. goodnight Techno." "night." Techno says in response. "i should be heading to bed. i'll see you tomorrow yeah?" i say getting up from the bed. "yea. goodnight Rei." he says, standing up as well. "goodnight" before walking towards the door, Techno engulfs me into a hug. his arms snake around my waste, his head leaning on top of mine.

this is a not-so-friendly hug innit?

i stay still shocked for a moment, before wrapping my arms around his neck. "thank you for helping me. with everything. i truly don't know if i would still be sane without you here." his low voice rattling my body. i melt into his words. i feel my body heat up from the sincerity in his voice. we pull away and our gazes lock. his blood colored eyes are hypnotizing as he smiles down at me. i reach up and tuck a stray piece of hair behind his ear. "anything for you." and with that, i leave the room.

give him a taste of his own medicine i say.

Technos POV

i stand in the middle of my room, shocked. "what just happened." i say to myself.

she just used your own words on you. ___l o l get rekt___HAHAHAHA___i miss her

i slowly make my way back towards my bed, longing for her presence. she was so cold in front of everyone else. but when she's with me, she's a whole different person. i cant stay in denial any longer. i like her. like a lot.


finally lol. he's come out of denial.


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