Chapter 6 (Remastered)

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"Now follow me." He said, I didn't have much choice so, I let him drag me through the alley.

We walked for a few minutes before the alley started to look familiar, and then a black Mercedes on the side came into view. "Next time pick a spot a bit farther away." He advised. I stayed quiet. We walked up to the car and I pulled the keys out of my bra. I unlocked the car and tugged at the driverside door but Jayson pulled me away." What did you think, I was just going to let you drive away?"  He asked.

By this point, all of my morale left my body and I wasn't in the mood to have a slick comeback. "I just want to go home," I muttered. "Well that's a shame," he said. I didn't know what he meant by this and.. that scared me.

He sat in the driver's seat and I walked around to the front passenger seat. I genuinely thought about running, I looked out into the populated street but brushed my thoughts off and got into the passenger seat. He looked at me, almost surprised I didn't run as if he could read my mind before he started the car. I sat back in the seat and leaned over by the window, I couldn't think of any words to say, I mean What do you say to the guy that caught you after you killed two influential beings?

He didn't spare me a word either, I looked out of the window the entire drive but, didn't pay much attention to where I was going. This guy's training is far more advanced than mine, no kind of tricks can get me out of here. 

The drive went on for close to an hour, and for reference, the ball started at 9:00 pm and I started my attack closer to 10. So when I looked at the clock it read 11:21.

We pulled into the driveway of a large grey facility, it went smoothly for a while until the car got stopped and was surrounded by men pointing guns at us. Jayson looked at me, "If you know what's good for me you wouldn't do anything stupid." He advised before, opening his car door and stepping out with his hands up, "It's just me guys." He said.

The men lowered their guns and slowly returned to wherever they came from except for one. "Mr. Miller, welcome back. You have someone with you?" He asked. I opened my door and stepped out. "Yeah, she's my guest." He said. "You'll need to get a pass for her on the third floor before you continue." He said, Jayson nodded and got back into the car so I did the same. "Do you know where you are?" he asked me.
    "Whatever organization it is that you work for," I responded. "Probably one of the most secure places in America too." He said

I shrugged, "And why would you bring me here?" I asked. "There's someone I think should meet you." He said. I didn't push any further. Jayson drove down two floors to the third floor and pulled into a parking spot. "Let's go," he said. He came next to me and grabbed me by the wrist before taking me into an elevator where he took both his and my mask off.

It was unbearably quiet as there was no elevator music, but we went up about 1 floor and walked down a long hallway. I noticed the cameras at the beginning of the hallway and another camera every few feet along with a scanner every few feet, all of which detected different things. This made me a bit nervous. "Should I be here, wherever  this is?" I asked.                  "You should be be fine." He said, making a dry attempt at reassuring me.

When we got to the end of the hallway he walked me through a labyrinth of an office where we finally walked into a room where he seated me.
      He let go of my wrist and stood behind me, "stay here." He said before leaving through the door we entered through. "Where are you going?" I asked quietly though, he didn't hear me. 

More time passed, and there was a clock on the wall but I was sure the time was incorrect. Soon though I didn't know if it was to my benefit or my downfall, Two males walked into the room, which was set up as a conference room, and sat at the table, one of which was a person of clearly high ranking and the other significantly lower.

"Who are you?" He asked. I sat quietly.
     "My agent you know him by Jayson, has come into contact with you, but you seem to have given him some trouble. 

I picked my arms up and laid them on the table, "Why should I tell you that?" I asked. The man looked at the guy beside him and then at the door behind me. "Do you know the position that you're in right now?" He asked in return. " I do, but you and all of your worker bees don't scare me," I said. He chuckled. "Well trust me I wasn't betting on it." He said.

The man beside him started talking. "Let's cut to the chase, you and whoever you work for got rid of two huge people that we've been meticulously keeping an eye on for a while now." He said, I cocked a brow. "But your work was very sloppy and while the police didn't catch onto you, one of my agents did. I want to allow you to up your skills without any clash between our two organizations." He explained. "You don't need to make a decision now, but you will be back here by 10 pm tomorrow to finalize your choice." He said. 

I didn't get a chance to slip another word in before they got up and walked out.

Jayson walked back into the room a few minutes after they left. "Let's go." He said. 

This time he didn't grab my wrist, but I did follow behind him while he led me through the office. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, he's not trying to recruit you." He pointed out. "Yes, because I'm so excited," I replied. He didn't say anything back.

"Why?" I asked

Jayson turned to me, "because you have potential," He said


Like an hour later..

Jayson pulled into my driveway, "Wait." He said. I stopped. "Go into your house and pack clothes for a few days," He said. I looked at him confused. "Your house is being monitored, if you want that security then you can stay at my place." He offered. I hesitated for a moment, but then I opened the door and left the car. I turned the key to my house and pushed the door open.

I thought about it for a moment and went over all the pros and cons before deciding that it probably was best to stay at his house, So I went into my room and packed a suitcase with enough clothes to last me a few days along with hygiene products. I turned off all of the lights in my house and stepped back outside to see Jayson sitting in the car waiting for me. 

I entered the car and threw my bag into the back seat. "What's wrong?" Je asked. This almost set me off. "Well besides your boss giving me this weird offer that I clearly can't decline and them monitoring my life. No, nothing's wrong." I replied. He sighed and backed the car up.

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