Chapter 11 (Remastered)

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"It's too empty," One of the robbers said. I peeked around the aisle to get a look at the situation.

"Jack, you look around, Kyle you stand guard, and you put the money in the bag and get some wine while you're at it." He commanded. Immediately, the one named Jack started circling the aisles. I led them into a supply closet and told them to stay quiet and call the cops.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," Jack called. I turned back and crawled towards the beer aisle and opened the door. I tried m y best to be silent, but my hand slipped and the door crahsed shut.
"Oh, I hear you." He said. I crawled to the edge of the aisle and waited for Jack to come around the corner. He looked around and I slowly got up and used the beer can and smacked him across the head, but before he fell I grabbed him so he wouldn't make a sound.

I slowly swiped his gun from its holster and searched the shelves. I felt a hand creep up my leg and turned back.
Jack grabbed hold of me, "LIAM, GET HER!" He yelled, The leader turned around and saw me standing there and immediately pointed his gun at me. I jumped behind the shelves before he could pull the trigger, then stomped on Jack's hand to get him off of me. He fought a bit, grabbing my legs so I had no choice but to kick the side of his jaw hard enough to knock him out.

I then snuck around the shelves, staying out of sight. By this point, I didn't know where Liam was but he didn't know where I was either.

Is what I thought.

When suddenly I felt a pinch in my thigh. My leg almost immediately went limp. I turned back to see Jack holding a half-empty needle which made my heart sink. I pointed my gun at his spine and pulled the trigger, which must have triggered Liam because soon aimless shots were being fired.

Jack screamed bloody murder and sort of flopped around like a fish out of water. I watched his body seize as I dragged myself around the aisle.
I took off my belt and wrapped it as tight as I could around my leg so whatever he injected me with wouldn't spread too fast.

I grabbed onto the shelves to help me stand up.

I struggled but crept up behind Liam and smashed his head with a wine bottle which made him stagger, but he quickly regained his balance and aimed his gun at me. Liam looked down at my leg and then back up at my face. "Look, I think we both know how this is going to end," he said. "Yeah, so lower your gun," I commanded.

My eyes widened as something cold and hard pressed into my back.

"How about you do that first." The man named Kyle pressed his gun into my side. "You don't know what you're doing man," I leered. Kyle kicked out my good leg, forcing me to the ground. "Put both of your hands on your head," Liam commanded. I dropped my gun and put my hands on my head. "Kyle, you get back on watch, I got this." He reassured.
Kyle walked away, leaving me alone with Liam. He looked young, between 24 and 28. The way he held his gun told me that he was pretty inexperienced, I mean, his finger shook over the trigger.

He went on blabbering about something I didn't care about for a while but I didn't listen.

He looked to the shelf on his left and picked up a wine bottle, then threw it beside me. It broke on impact, splashing the bloody liquid all over me. Liam approached me, with a vengeful look in his eyes and dropped his gun. I had to hide the grin, that washed across my face. Hand-to-hand is my specialty. Once Liam got close enough I lunged at him, knocking him onto his ass, going down with a yell.

I only had a few seconds now that Kyle was alerted. quickly I tackled him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck in a chokehold like a snake, pulling tighter and tighter until his body went limp. I dropped his body, picked up the gun he dropped, and went looking for Kyle. He was ducking behind the shelves. Once he peeked out I fired a shot at his hand. He cried out and dropped his gun. I approached him further and kicked his gun away from him before aiming mine at him.

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