Chapter 10 (Remastered)

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By the time I realised it, the time had come and I was on my way to that place again.

I was on my bike rather than the car, it's technically a company car so I had to return it. By now it's most likely been checked and disposed of. How did so much shit happen in only four days? I thought about the email I'd been sent, it'll probably be fine though.


I parked my bike outside the building where Jayson was waiting. I took off my helmet and put it on my seat. He looked upset.
"You know if you were any later-" I cut him off, "Yeah yeah, I know, you would've had to come and get me yourself." He uncrossed his arm and led me into the building. I still don't know what this place is called. I wasn't nervous before but now, millions of thoughts were running through my mind. Should I have asked more questions? Should I have done more research? Should I even be here right now?

Well, it's too late. The time for that is over, whatever happens next is only a consequence of my misfortune.

We were back in that familiar hallway—cameras and scanners at all lengths, watching and learning.

Jayson was walking in front of me but then he suddenly stopped, I wavered behind him but came to a halt when he turned around.
"You know, the strangest thing happened today," He inquired. "Oh yeah? What was it?" I asked. He slowly approached me, prompting me to back up, mirroring his steps. "I got notified that someone was requesting my private information," He said. There was a brief silence, then in the blink of an eye, Jayson had rammed into me and pinned me against the wall, with his arm on my throat.

I struggled for a moment as he held me off of the ground.

"I don't know who you think you are or what you're looking for, but you need to stop." He warned. I couldn't help it but, his voice, his tone, and the way he was looking at me, started to drive me crazy. "Do you understand?" He asked tightening his grip. I struggled even harder for a second I even felt my consciousness slipping away but I managed to nod. Jayson looked me dead in my eyes as I nearly passed out before dropping me. I immediately gasped for air as my body hit the ground.

"On your feet." He commanded. I held my throat as I fought to steady my breathing. He didn't wait for me, by the time I stood up he was already near the end. I walked after him with my hand still on my neck and my head hung low.

Before now, I'd never really been able to find anyone that could subdue me that easily. I've struggled with people but, my training has never led me astray.

Unlike the last time we were here, we ended up in a different room. It appeared to be a large training room. The two men from the conference room were standing near the entrance most likely waiting for my arrival, but when I walked fully inside my jaw nearly hit the floor. The 'big apple' from my job was here. She was standing beside the two men from yesterday talking.

My heart nearly fell out of my ass when she locked eyes with me. "Ah so now we're all here, we can properly start this. "Miss this is the second time we've met maybe now I can have to pleasure of knowing your name." He indulged. His saying that made my teeth feel strange. "Ms. Atlas, you're telling me you haven't shared your name with these gentlemen yet?" My boss nagged.

The man from the conference room stepped out, "What a coincidence, you two share the same last name." He pointed out. I covered my eyes with my hands, "It's no coincidence Mr. Anderson, she is my daughter." She announced. "Mom, what are you doing here?" I finally brought myself to ask. "Jane, I arranged this meeting," she said. I thought about it for a moment. "So you mean this all happened because of you?' I asked.

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