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Part Two!

Three and a half years had gone by, everyone had stopped talking to each other. Oscar and Heaven ended up having a girl,she was now pregnant with their second child. They lived in a decent neighborhood where nothing happens. She was now a full-time RN and he was a head chef in a fancy restaurant, they made decent amount of money.

Cesar had decided to continue on with the gang life, which resulted in their friends splitting up. Ruby and Jamel had gone off to college but since it was summer break, they were coming home.

"Princesa it's time to wake up" Oscar says. He was sitting on the edge of their three year old daughter's bed. "You're going to spend some time with Nana today" he said.

The sleepy child started to wake up, she began to rub her eyes. She flutters her eyes open and looks up her dad. She looked exactly like him but in girl form. "Did you make pannycakes?" she asks, her voice was high.

"Yes, I've already made you some pannycakes" he smiles. "I didn't know if you wanted syrup or whipped cream, maybe some sprinkles" Oscar started to go on and on.

"I don't wike that" she jumps off the bed and runs out of the room.

Oscar smiles,he couldn't believe he actually got what he wanted. It was all unreal to him, he was scared his past life would come for him but he'd come across that bridge when needed. He gets out his thoughts by Sofía screaming loudly. He groans knowing this will be a long morning. He gets from her bed and walks out into the hall, he makes his way downstairs and through to the kitchen. He spots Sofía over there devouring her pancakes. "Slow down sweetheart" Oscar said.

He makes his way over to the fridge getting out some apple juice for her. He gets a slippy cup, pours some in there and hands it to her. He glances over to see Heaven coming inside the kitchen. She was about a month pregnant and definitely showing. "Buenos dias hermosa" he said.

She makes her way over to him, she leans up kissing him on the cheek. "Well good morning to you" she said. She pulls away and looks to Sofía. "How's my little princess?" she cooed.

Sofía shakes her head, she wanted to get down so she could go play with her dog Spike. "Papá! papá!" she reaches her arms out to Oscar. She was more of a daddy's girl, then a mama's.

"Sofía I need to wipe you first, you're very sticky" Oscar said. He makes his way over to her, he takes a baby wipe and wipped her hands. He gets another and wipes off her face. "How did you get it in your hair?" he chuckles.

After Oscar cleaned her up, he picks her up and put her down. She ends up taking off towards the backyard where the dog was at,Oscar sighs and shakes his head. "How are we doing this?" he asked.

"One day at a time" Heaven replied. She was leaning against the counter drinking some orange juice. It had been three and a half years since Spooky and Cesar spoke. The two ended up having a sort of falling out, Oscar had told Cesar he didn't want him around their child if he was still in the gang. She knew Oscar missed his brother dearly, she had hoped they would patch things up because she knew Sofía would love her uncle Cesar.

She ends up jumping from her thoughts by the doorbell. "It must be Nana" she said. It was her mom, both her parents moved to California once they found she was with child. They knew her and Oscar were going to need some help.

Oscar had already gone to the door before she could. Oscar and her parents got along great. They knew all about his past but they never judged him. She could hear Oscar and her mom talking about Sofía as they came to the kicken.

"I hear Sofía is in a mood" her mom said. She places her jacket on the chair, then goes over washing her hands.

"Yes, she really is and good luck with her today. She'll probably start screaming for dad within a few hours" Heaven said. "You know how she can get" she chuckles.

As they all were talking, something was happening across the tracks. Somehow the Prophet$ were all released from jail,everyone knew within a matter of minutes. Cesar didn't like it but there was nothing he could do about it. If they tried to cross over to the Santos side, they would surely die.

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