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A/N: I know the tags and description say it's poly but really one is above the others lmao

Anyways enjoy

UA, a high-tech prison on a secluded island, built specifically for villains too powerful to go to waste. So strong, so big of a threat, that they need to be killed not imprisoned, for the safety of the world.

They only way to kill them is to completely remove their quirks first. Their only option, if they want to live, is to willingly become a test subject and a weapon of the country. They have to become slaves for the rest of their lives, that's the only way they'll live, and if they disobey their deaths will be slow and painful.

They couldn't escape if they wanted to, the entire facility was mostly run and controlled by AI and robots. Because of how dangerous they are and to prevent any accidents, humans could no longer interact with them physically.

They control the AI and such from a branch building hidden on another part of the island. The building and robots are made entirely of quirk-resistant materials.

So although their quirks are sealed by cuffs even if they weren't the only thing they would be able affect or harm would be each other. Even their dishes and silver wear were made of anti-quirk materials, they were powerless in regards to leaving.

Which has now become a death sentence to them...

Several weeks ago all communication with those in charge ended abruptly and never came back online.

The final message they received was from one of the watchmen Aizawa, "This is the final time you will hear from us, the master AI is now in full control of the facility and will be taking care of you. No matter what happens you can not leave this place, this is not an order, it's a plea. May God bless you all,"

After that the watchmen's line went dead and when they questioned the AI's and robots they simply said the specified persons no longer exist. After three weeks chaos ensued, it finally sunk in that the watchmen where gone.

No one was watching them anymore, the robots only took care of them, they didn't govern or discipline them. They could do what they wanted so they did, they became very divided.

Different groups often fought against each other since they each monopolized different areas that had/received different resources. As a result of their constant violent fights people ended up dead and the master AI punished their killers with instant death.

That stopped them from killing each other but it didn't stop them from beating each other until they were near death...

Katsuki was held back by his group as he tried to charge at the leader of another group, Shigaraki Tomura.

"You flakey-faced bastard! Just give us the fucking packets!" Katsuki said angrily.

"I'm not giving you shit without a fair trade," Shigaraki said equally mad.

Shigaraki had monopolized the sanitation area while Katsuki had monopolized the medical area. Katsuki's group was nearly out of hygienic products while Shigaraki's group had members that desperately needed their prescriptions refilled.

Katsuki refused to give it to them since last time the group didn't give them their half of the trade. Katsuki wasn't going to let them disrespect and steal from him again, unless they give them packets first they weren't getting shit.

Touya clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Tomura just fucking give it to them before I die from blood loss," he said through gritted teeth.

He looked at the man who was bleeding from several parts of his body, if he didn't change his staples and clean his wounds soon he'd be in trouble. If he didn't die from blood loss he was definitely going to die from an infection.

"Fuck," Tomura cursed angrily "Twice go get a supply box, make it quick,"

"Yes sir! I'm not your maid!"

"Sero go get it," Katsuki said and the man nodded.

After both parties successfully traded with one another they headed for their respective wards, the other groups watched them go. They never got involved but some hoped they'd hurry up and kill each other already.

They were the top two groups, having monopolized the two most important areas and some inmates were tired of having to offer them so many meal cards just to get a bar of soap or a band-aid.

"We'll head to the showers first," Mina said, leaving with the other girls.

"If I could kill those bastards I would," Katsuki grumbled angrily.

"Come on Kat's just let it go, we got much more than we asked for anyways. Knowing them they'll run out before us, we're at an advantage," Eijiro grinned.

Denki rested an arm on the redhead's shoulder with a crooked grin, "He's right, we just have to wait until they run out, and once they do we'll make them pay five meal cards each for the next dose,"

A dark grin made it's way onto Katsuki's face, "I like that,"


In an area in the restricted ward of the building was the solitary confinement wing where he was being held. Inside a secure room sat a large incubator, who's liquid was practically empty now.

Inside the incubator was a man with messy green hair and eight freckles on his cheeks. The incubator began the deactivation protocol before the door slowly slid open. The male slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times as the date flashed before him.

"I'm not supposed to be up yet..." He mumbled as he slowly sat up, a little shocked by how deep his voice was.

He turned to his left to see his uniform sitting nearby, he then looked down to see that he was naked. He carefully stepped out of the incubator and stretched his muscles, trying to shake off all the stiffness.

He then walked over to the table, grabbing his uniform and getting dressed in the new uniform that was a bit tight. He couldn't button the top three buttons since they'd just pop off if he did.

"Open request comms," He spoke aloud.

A screen appeared in front of his face, "Hello I am AI Nemura! I'm afraid my system does not recognize you, please identify yourself,"

"Inmate Midoriya Izuku, serial number one,"

"Thank you for your cooperation! It appears your brain chip is outdated, do I have your consent to update you to the current version?" Nemura asked.

"No you do not,"

"Ok! How may I assist you today?" She asked.

"I request a direct line to the Master AI Eri,"

"Sending your request now!"

Izuku took a seat and after waiting a minute or two the AI returned, appearing before his face once again.

"Your request has been approved, connecting you to the AI now!"

Izuku grinned as the holographic image of a small girl appeared in front of him, "Congratulations on your release from solitary confinement Inmate zero zero one-"

"Eri," Izuku cut off.

The girl tilted her head, "Why have I been released? My release is still several years away,"

"The facility is now under protocol black and I have been granted complete control over UA and thus released you. As your sentence is up you are now in a restricted area, please make your way to the inmate ward," Eri instructed.

"I will, after you tell me what has happened outside of UA, why are we in protocol black? How bad are things?" Izuku said seriously.

"That is classified information, under the Michealson law clause twenty-two I am not allowed-"

"Eri, the warden is gone now is he not? Tell me what has happened,"


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