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"Tell me what happened, why are you here?" Izuku questioned.

Shigaraki sat down, he now had control over his emotions again, "I...Dad came home one day, with her hat and that stupid All Might keychain you took everywhere. He said he was stuck in traffic and was late picking you two up so you probably tried to walk home on your own.

He said he ran all over trying to find you two when he heard about the villain attack near the daycare. He rushed over to the relief site and asked the cops there about two kids and if anyone had seen you. That's when he saw two small covered bodies among the others and saw the keychain dangling out. He begged them to let him check and said that you two...were gone and that it was all his fault," Shigaraki quietly explained.

"What happened next?"

"I didn't believe him at first but then not long after he told us we saw the news where they stated that two children from the daycare were among the deceased. Mom didn't take it well at all, she'd break down crying for days unable to do anything for herself or anyone else. It didn't help that Dad was barely around anymore, at the time I assumed he was distracting himself by overworking.

Eventually, we had the funerals, closed caskets because your bodies were mutilated. We buried you together and...the heroes responsible had the nerve to attend, it didn't go well. Mom cursed them to death for taking her babies from her, I'd never seen her so full of anger and hatred. After the funeral, she was never the same, none of us were to be honest...it broke us to our core. Mom was like a shell, locking herself in her room, and no matter how much I cried and begged she wouldn't speak or even look at me.

Katsuki took it almost as bad as her, he trained himself to near death saying he needed to achieve both your dreams. And me...I tried to act normal for Mom's sake and my own. I felt helpless and didn't know what to do, for a while I couldn't even accept it. I'd talk to myself for hours, I'd set the table, and I'd read those hero books out loud...imagining that you both were still here.

Then one day I came home and it was quiet, ever since the funeral Mom had been playing our old family vids non-stop. I went to her room and knocked but obviously heard nothing so I tried the door. It was unlocked so I went in and...I found her, she had given up and I was alone. Everything was a blur after that, weeks, months, the years went by in a haze and Dad finally spoke to me and apologized for leaving me to handle it all on my own.

He said he needed to tell me the truth, he said that it wasn't the villain that killed you. You just happened to be hiding where All Might threw the car, he killed you and Dad didn't know what to do anymore. I can't really explain what happened but from that moment on I wanted to kill All Might for killing my family. When Katauki came to check in on me I told him what Dad said and he gave up on being a hero.

We both wanted the same thing, I started the league and he handled things from the other side. Dad helped us here and there but never directly, he provided us everything we asked for from afar. It took a year and a half but we finally killed him, it wasn't just a war, it was a bloodbath. After that, I felt empty and numb so I just let my league run rampant, not caring about anything anymore.

Katsuki was full of anger and wanted the world feel how much pain he felt. Our groups started to clash and I did nothing resulting in our strained relationship now. But we haven't touched each other, probably for the same reasons. Anyway, we eventually got caught, I don't know about him but I just let it happen, I had nothing to be free for," Shigaraki finished, his eyes dull.

Izuku looked down at him, his eyes unreadable, "Dad used you, just like he used us, we've only ever been test subjects to him,"

"What...do you mean?" Shigaraki asked.

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