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A/N: I forgot to mention Izu and everyone is about 22 lol

Also, Izuku was put to "sleep" but his brain was very much awake, and unbeknownst to the warden his mind had been put in a simulation the whole time by the master AI.

So physically his body was asleep but mentally he was growing up in a false reality. This is why he's so mature despite technically supposed to be having the mentality of a 10-year-old.

Oh, and they got a Lil negro in them cause The Fault in Your Love was so fun to write and I like making them Blasian😩

Shinso glanced to the side as some girl came over to their table and stood near Izuku who ignored her as he ate.

"Excuse me,"

Izuku didn't even glance in her direction as he continued to stuff his face, the others looked between the two awkwardly.


Izuku glanced at Shinso who quickly looked up at her, "You see us eating right?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I'm talking to him not you,"

"Well, clearly he doesn't give a fuck about what you have to say," Shoji spoke making the girl scoff.

Izuku chuckled lowly at that, "Go get me a drink,"

Shinso nodded and got up going to grab Izuku a beverage as the girl placed her hands on the table and leaned over in Izuku's personal space. He gave her a dangerous look and she immediately stood upright, clasping her hands behind her back. Shinso returned, handing Izuku his drink which he downed in seconds.

"What," He side-eyed the girl, finally acknowledging her.

She immediately put on an innocent act, blinking at him, "My chip is malfunctioning and I can't access my meal cards, I was wondering if you'd be willing to share with me? I'll pay you back as soon as its repaired,"

Izuku looked her up and down with a scowl, "Do I look like a fucking soup kitchen? Take yo' hungry ass back where you came from, next time you interrupt me ima hang you with yo intestines,"

"S-sorry," She paled and immediately left out of fear.

Shinso shook his head and smiled to himself, "What you smilin' for?" Izuku raised a brow.

"Nothing," Shinso drunk his water.

"He lying, that turned him on," Ojiro chuckled.

"Aye, man shut up," Shinso glared.

Izuku looked down at him, "What turned you on?" He questioned lowly.

Shinso shivered at his tone and ate his food, trying to hide the blush creeping up his neck.

"Shit, I'll say it," Tokoyami spoke up.

"It's the aggression," Shoji beat him to it.

Izuku raised a brow, "Oh so you like when I'm aggressive?" he grinned down at Shinso "You into that?"

(A/N: Iykyk and if you don't I gotchu😌)

(I love him sm😩🖤 Anywhore let me stop getting off track💀)

"I am," Shinso refused to look at him as he ate.

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