Ramya's Love Gift

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Abhi went to the hospital, enquired about Priyanka in reception and straight away walked towards the ICU. Subadra was  sitting alone at the hospital lobby. Seeing Abhi coming towards her she was well prepared and created a scene by shedding crocodile tears. 

" Abhi I'm scared about Priyanka, doctors saying her condition is critical. Save my daughter Abhi only you can do it. Please don't go anywhere, stay with me, I'm afraid. I can't believe she attempted suicide" said Subadra shedding tears.

Abhi looked on for a second then said, 

"Nothing will happen to her, don't worry aunty I will take care, we will save her. Let us see her first " 

Abhi and Subadra went inside the ICU. He was shocked to see Priyanka like that. Subadra cried louder, she asked Priyanka to open her eyes as Abhi came for her. He looked confused but remained silent.

" Abhi, she was guilty about you. She felt bad for what she did with you, that's why she took this drastic step. Will you forgive her and promise to be with her forever?? '' Asked Subadra cunningly.

Abhi controlled his temper and left the place with few words,

" Already I said I forgot the past. Now I will meet the doctor and come back"  Subadra felt irked when he refused to promise but pretends infront of him.

Abhi met the doctor and gets suspicious about Priyanka, he decided to bring their truth out at any cost. After he came out from the doctor's room he called someone and informed that person about Priyanka's condition, he requested that man to come as soon as possible. He shared the address of that hospital and calmly waited for that man to come.

Meanwhile Subadra said, Priyanka was getting better after seeing Abhi. Abhi fumed in anger. He closed his fist to control his temper. He pretends to be happy. 


Early morning when Ramya was sleeping her mobile rang.....  Without checking the caller ID she picked up the call sleepy,

" Hello...." Said Ramya.


" Hello...." Said Ramya once again.

" Sorry, did I disturb your sleep??" Asked Abhi worried.

After hearing her husband's voice, her sleepiness went away. She became really active, she said shyly

" No...not at all. I was about to get up, suddenly you made a call " said Ramya.

Abhi smiled silently. Ramya thought about her love for Abhi and gets shy.

" When will you return??" Asked excited Ramya.

" Why?? Anything important?? I came only a few hours back, right??" Asked Abhi teasingly.

"I didn't feel like a few hours, it was like years," said Ramya without hiding her eagerness to see him after her realisation. Abhi felt ecstatic listening to his wife's talks.

" I will come once the work done" Said Abhi. Ramya was a little disappointed.

He said , " I may be late because I have to do something important, so if you are tired, take a day off today and sleep well. I will come before afternoon".

Ramya's eyes twinkled, she had some other plans so she lied to him, " I have an important class today so I can't take a leave. I will go to college, then I will go to our apartment. Better you too come there directly, I will wait for you". Abhi smiled, getting shy, then said ok and hung up the call.

Immediately Ramya danced on her bed like a crazy girl. She imagined Abhi everywhere and gets shy. After realising her love for her husband, she feels like flying in the sky. Now she wants to get a gift for Abhi before confessing her love for him. 

So, she lied to him and planned to go shopping. Then she planned to make a special dinner for Abhi before he comes. 

Ramya informed her in law that their fight ends, she gets shy to confess other things happened between them. But her sister and mother in law understood that and didn't ask her anything further. She excused herself from them and went shopping. 

Ramya didn't have so much money to get something costly for Abhi, as she is a college going girl. He gave her money but she didn't want to get the first gift from him.  She planned to sell her gold coin, which was her gift for exemption in studies and buy a ring for Abhi. She thought of proposing to him with a ring in a cinematic way.  She realised he is her prince charming so she felt he deserves all the special treatment from her. She gets happy to dream about her proposal.

Like she thought she bought a new ring by exchanging the gold coin.  Though it was small she looked happy to see the design and get content with her own hard work. Later she went to their apartment to make everything ready before Abhi came.


"Abhi I'm damn sure she didn't drink any poison. She is faking this, and I wonder how this doctor is also making up fake stories by helping her, " said Karthik, one among Abhi's friends circle and a doctor. 

Abhi's eyes darkened, he had a deep thought, and a moment later he asked Karthik to help him.

" Karthik, thank you so much for coming here on my personal request. Even though I doubted the same, that's why I called you and showed you her reports. I sent Subadra Aunty to a nearby temple and took you inside to examine her. It's good you checked her personally without letting others know, now you cleared all my doubts. Thank you so much Karthik. But I need one more help, can you do it??" 

" Ofcourse I will try to do, tell me what is it ??" Asked Karthik. 

Abhi explained his plan to him, Karthik looked panic upon hearing his plan. He asked his doubts,

" Abhi, what if I get in trouble?? This is highly risky, what if her family gets me caught  and complains ?? It will affect my profession" 

Abhi patted his shoulders and asked him to trust him. 

" Karthik you are helping me so definitely I won't push you in any problems. You can trust me, I won't let you suffer. By doing this way I can make them  confess the truth and their whole plans behind my back. They made my wife cry. I want them to taste their own medicine".  Abhi requested Karthik but he asked him to decide on his own decisions without any pressure to help him.

Karthik agreed to help Abhi and suggested that he bring some medication and a syringe with a needle. Immediately Abhi went to the pharmacy and got the required items. 

As they both planned, Abhi took Subadra to the canteen and he signalled Karthik to get inside the ward. By giving an excuse of seeing the patient Karthik went near Priyanka.  He saw that she was sound asleep, once he noticed none was there, silently he injected her with a medicine filled syringe.  Later he came out, then called Abhi and informed his work was done.

Abhi smirked looking at Subadra, who looked sad with a pool of tears. He thought now she will cry really.

To Be Continued...


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