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"For the past few weeks everything has been moving  on smoothly"

"After a long boring ass lecture,I lazily went back to my room.

"All the  girls were back already,and had prepared dinner,the smell of  grain waffles hit my nose and my mouth flooded"

"What's for dinner peeps?"

"Whole grain waffle,sandwich and berry yoghurt smoothie"Fatiti said.


"Where's Halima And Maryam?,she left earlier because I had to go see Dr.Lucas"I said

"We're right here"they said in unison.

"We went to Ramla's room to go fetch Laila"

"Hello Amaani"Laila said flashing  me her million dollar smile.

"Laila how was your lectures today?"

"Alhamdulillah"she said in her baby voice.

"That's great"I said softly

"Laila and Halima have been good friends for the past few days now,they seem to get along quiet well,she's so sweet, she always remember me of my little sister's and I like her a lot"

"You looked stressed out Amaani"Yusrah said and I gave her a sad smile.

"Yeah I agree"Halima added.

"Nothing out of the ordinary girls,I'm doing okay,I'm just a little tired"

"Halima gave me the my hearts not buying that look"I can lie to everyone but not her.

"My phone buzzed,I excused myself and went outside to pick the call"

"Assalamualaikum sastra"I said.

"Walaikumushalammm came my little prince voice"

"Hello aunshy,Amished you"

"I missed you too Affan,how are you?"

"I'm phineee"

"That's good,where's your sister?"

"Shi ish here,I louvvv you"he said handing the phone over to Aisha.

"Hello Auntie,Amisshed you sosai"

"I missed you too Aisha,how's school?

"Fine auntie,I want shocollaaate and mummy don't want to give me"

"Okay now give mummy the phone and I will talk to her"

"I louve you Aunty,come back shoon"she said and gave ya zuzu the phone.

"Amaani how far?"

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