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A beautiful morning it is but though still angry about jawaad not replying my message but why I'm I angry anyways when our relationship has no title.

Well it's been a while and so I decided to plug my AirPods on to chill my wild mind to prevent it from getting  unlatch...

Coming out in a pair of jeans with a white calvin  Klein shirt and my  hair parked in a high bon leaving the tail move with my body in every step.

I was  heading to the kitchen with my head hung low when Asif,Arif and Akram jump unto my body making me pause my music,I looked up to them with a questioning brow and they look up pointing their fingers at jawaad,I looked up and was about to talk when I remembered my hair was open in the wide and I'm wearing a jeans,I quickly ran to my room panting heavily...I smiled a little recalling how his eyes craved for my long hair and how it stare amazingly.

"I get it sure I'm mad"

I brought out a blue open up abaya and added atop with  a matching veil before heading for the door.

"Assalamualaikum good morning to y'all"I said in greeting and they answered in unison

"Waalaikumu salam morning too Reyna"

"Why do you call her that?Asif asked with a confused look.

"It means queen"jawaad said with a hearty smile.

"Awwww you're his queen"Akram said with her daydreaming eyes.

"She's your queen huh?"Arif said raising a brow teasingly while I stood their rooted in my spot knowing it's the end of me cx this smart kids won't let that name be.

"So you guys ready?"

"What?"I asked with a confuse brow.

"We're going for our last outing you're going  back to school this week right?"


"Sorry jawaad but the kids won't be joining you"mama said while walking into the living room.

"But why mama?"they have lessons to attend to,i suggest you two should go have fun"She said the last part with a cheesy smile.

"We can cancel the meeting for another day"I said with a straight face.

"No I suggest you both should go,besides you won't have much time from tomorrow we have a lot of shopping's to do"

"Okay then  we'll be going now"jawaad said with a short smile.

"Have a nice day"mama said and left before I could protest.

"Shall we?"I went ahead without given him an answer and played on my music "you"by omah lay was on the current play and I felt as if that song was specially just for me.

"What's wrong Amaani?"jawaad asked after a long silence.

"Not the right time"I said while pausing my music.

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