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How we see the world shapes who we choose to be — and sharing compelling experiences can frame the way we treat each other, for the better.

Imagine a scale being tipped back and forth until one side is finally outweighed by the other — a trigger, a moment of impulsivity, a window of opportunity that disrupts the precarious balance that allowed us to survive.


A new day,new life ,a new beginning a fresh start and  lastly a new chapter in my life.what could be more beautiful than that?nothing of cause,

Alhamdulilah is all I could say.

I'm happy because I'm  still here. And whatever the reason might be, i still have a  chance to do something  extraordinary with this life

And today My greatest wish for you, and for anyone who's grieving is to know that your pain doesn't have to consume you. Let it be your compass that leads you to new and exciting places. Let it bring you closer to your purpose. Let it remind you of how precious your own is.

You are not going to lose anything even in the worst phase of your life because nothing is yours, it is God who made you with his own choice, not yours. You have been given a chance to taste unlimited exposure and success. You have to understand your priceless life, keep playing in every situation, enjoy your difficult phases too, become a player, and play like a pro.

I believe I am unique and not weak,I believe that today history won't repeat it self and I believe this is a new chapter,a new beginning and a new Me.



I'm just so happy today,going back to nigeria in a week is a blessing,how much I miss my family-my loving parents ,brothers and sister and someone so precious,my corázon-heart.

Is it too late or too early to Express my love?nah,I've waited long enough all I want now is to make her mine and I hope she did just accept my proposal,mum is so gonna be happy about this news,so much to plan,so much to do in my head.

I'm still guilty about the patients file though I've gone through it and luckily it's clear enough to read just for the  name which is not clear but who cares?not me of cause,just that I've been feeling not so good about not checking the file earlier and it looks pretty bad though,just wondering what would have caused this for the patient,so much depression huh?anyways I can't wait to meet this patient-kinda feel like there's a strong bond between us all of a sudden,but I always shrug the thought off.



You're part of the legacy your loved one left behind. And every moment you choose to live fully and love deeply, you bring a beautiful part of them back to life.indeed "experience is the best teacher"if not for mami my whole families would have been grieving my death now,how painful is it to know your the cause of the pain your family is suffering from?

Fight for your own life the way you so desperately wish you could've fought for theirs. You are just as worthy.

That back-and-forth is exhausting, and it muddles our judgment.

Remember "We are not our thoughts — we're the people listening to them."once they snowball,they  can become an avalanche that drowns out the part of us that would otherwise choose differently.

It's not that we aren't conflicted, so much as the  thoughts are so incredibly loud.

We might choose a time or place when it's possible that we'll be discovered. We might drop hints about our mental state that are nearly undetectable to others. We might choose a method that isn't reliable.

Even for those who meticulously planned and appeared very committed to killing themselves, they are — in a way — sabotaging themselves. The longer we take to plan, the more we leave open the possibility of an intervention or slipup.

We desperately want peace and ease, which is really the only thing we are sure of. It doesn't reflect how we felt about our life, our potential, or about you — at least, not as much as it reflects our state of mind in the moment when we attempted.

Indeed life is a glorious gift for every living being on earth by the supernatural entity. Humans, animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, make this beautiful world together. Every being is made by God has a purpose, without purpose, there is no meaning of this beautiful creation of God.

We are made for relishing a beautiful life but it has limited validity. You have to live within the period God allocates for you, accept it, and live it thankfully because you will not get it back again.

And remember you can't  understand the feeling of relief if you don't get pain. You never understand the importance of happiness if you don't face sadness. These (-) negative and (+)positive form of life doesn't make any sense individually but when negative and positive meet together, there will be a spark and that exactly a life.

Don't dare to understand yourself poor, Don't dare to understand your self unlucky, never think you are alone, God is always with you, he made you and everything he created is worthful.

You are not going to lose anything even in the worst phase of your life because nothing is yoursi, it is God who made you with his own choice, not yours. You have been given a chance to taste unlimited exposure and success. You have to understand your priceless life, keep playing in every situation, enjoy your difficult phases too, become a player, and play like a pro.

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