Chapter Sixteen: One Plan

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“Guys, what are we doing?” I asked as we parked outside of Aidan’s house.

“Stakeout,” Mason muttered.

“Yes! Finally! Let’s do this shit,” Daniel said jumping up and down in the backseat.

“Calm down! You’ll draw attention to us,” Mason groaned as we all stared at Aidan’s house. It was ten o’clock at night and we were parked across the street from Aidan’s house. This apparently was a stakeout. We were waiting for Aidan to leave. It was a Friday night and he would definitely be going out to a bar, club, etc. We were going to follow him and ambush him – I guess. I don’t know. Mason hadn’t discussed the details of the plan with me. Apparently, I could  compromise the mission. I hated being in the dark.

So, we waited. I sighed as we sat in the car in boredom. Hell, I fell asleep. I woke up as soon as Daniel started shouting.

“Let’s go! He’s leaving! Come on guys,” Daniel said slapping Mason in the face. Mason jerked up quickly, as we watched Aidan get in his car. We waited a few minutes until we started following him.

“Don’t follow him too close! He’ll suspect something,” Daniel ushered. “We have to maintain a three car distance.”

“How do you know this?” I asked in confusion.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Daniel chuckled deviously.

“Ok,” I muttered rolling my eyes. “Look he’s going into Hook.”

“I hate Hook,” Mason mumbled. “Out of all the clubs in the city – he would pick the hardest one to get into to.”

“I can get us in,” I winked.

“Wait! You got into Hook? When?” Daniel asked curiously.

“A month or two ago,” I said casually.

“Why didn’t you invite us?” Mason exclaimed.

“Now isn’t the time for all of this,” I muttered. “Look! Aidan’s already gotten inside.”

“Fine,” Mason said as he parked the car. I rolled my eyes as we hopped out quickly. I glanced at the long line ahead of us. I shook my head as I walked straight to the front of the line – cutting a bunch of angry flamboyant men. I got a lot of swearing, neck rolls and teeth sucking. None of them threatened me though. They knew better.

I put on my best smile as I approached the bouncer.

“Hi,” I flirted casually.

“Club’s full,” he replied.

“But we just saw – “Mason began but I stopped him.

“Come on! It’s only three of us,” I said running my hand across his shoulder. “We won’t even be in there long. We swear.”

“I don’t know,” the bouncer replied.

“Yes you do,” I winked. “I would never lie to you. I give you permission to spank me if I do.”

Mason and Daniel blinked in confusion. They had definitely never seen this side of me before. I was determined to get in though. The bouncer didn’t protest, letting all of us. I grinned widely as we got into Hook. I guess I had learned something from Aidan after all.

“What now?” I asked. “What’s the plan? I got us in.”

“Mason?” Daniel said glancing at him.

“I thought you had an idea,” Mason admitted. “Hey! I just figured we’d confront him.”

“How? He’ll know something is up if he sees me,” I chuckled.

The One Night Stand That Never LeftΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα