Chapter Five: One Declaration

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“Jayson!” I heard Mason’s voice shout. I jumped up quickly out of the bed. I opened my eyes to see Mason stomping into my bedroom. He slammed the door shut behind him, in a fury.

“Jayson, what did we discuss?” he said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said rubbing my eyes.

“We said – we fucking agreed that you wouldn’t sleep with Noah anymore,” Mason said. “And as usual, you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I was horny, god,” I said.

“Terrible excuse,” Mason said picking up my pillow as he proceeded to whack me in the head with it. I stood up and grabbed the pillow angrily.  Mason screamed at the sight of my naked flesh.

“Put some clothes on,” Mason said covering his eyes dramatically with the pillow. “God, put it away! Put it all away! My eyes are scarred!" ”

“Fine! Jeez! Calm down,” I said as I picked my underwear up off the floor. I slid them on quickly as I pulled a pair of shorts on.

“Are you decent?” Mason asked. 

"Wait! What's going on? Was Jayson naked again?" Daniel asked rushing into the room.

"Thankfully you missed it," Mason groaned. 

"Aw man," Daniel said leaving the room. God, he is one twisted individual. I wish I could be in Daniel's head one day. I just wanted to know what he was thinking or what was even going on in all of that empty space.

“I'm decent Mason,” I said dryly. He whacked me with the pillow one last time before he tossed it onto my bed.

“You’re playing with that poor boy’s emotions, Jay,” Mason stated. “He’s likes you a lot and that’s all I’m saying.”

“Ok ok,” I said as I stomped out of my room and into the kitchen. I pulled a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge and poured myself a glass. My throat was dry and cotton-like. I turned around as soon as I heard someone’s footsteps behind me.

“Oh shit! I was trying to scare you,” Daniel said snapping his fingers.

“Unsuccessfully,” I said placing my cup in the sink. “Where’s uh Noah?”

“In my pants,” Daniel laughed. “Boom! Roasted.”

“Daniel,” I sighed.

“I dropped him off at soccer practice,” Mason pitched in. “He gets out in like thirty minutes. Maybe you can pick him up.”

“Jayson already picked him up once! He can’t pick him again! Boom! Roasted,” Daniel sung out.

“Sure,” I said rolling my eyes. “And Daniel that was actually a good one.”

“I know,” Daniel said sliding next to me onto the couch. I flicked the TV on and watched the game show network with Daniel until thirty minutes passed. Mason would not let me forget to pick Noah up and of course, he didn’t.

“Jayson, you haven’t left yet!” Mason said glancing at his watch. “You were supposed to pick him up fifteen minutes ago.”

“I’m going! I’m going,” I sighed as I grabbed my keys off the dresser. I moved out of the house quickly and into my car. I drove to Noah’s school and pulled up to the parking lot. I glanced around for Noah but I didn’t see him. Gosh, where was this kid? I sat in the car for ten minutes before Noah appeared. He entered the car quickly, not saying a word.

“Finally! I’ve been sitting out here for ten minutes,” I groaned as he glanced out the window. “And you have nothing to say? Fine.”

I pulled out the school driveway quickly as I headed back towards the house. Noah was unusually quiet. Maybe he was mad at me because I was late. I didn’t know what his deal was. When we made it to the apartment, he couldn’t have gotten out of the car any faster. He was moving fast. I sucked my teeth as I moved behind him. He didn’t have a key anyways so I didn’t have to rush.

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