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The years go by like sand in an hourglass, falling fast, unable to count each tiny grain. The only way I differentiate them is by the aging of the raven-haired boy and brunette girl dashing across the yard, chased by the one I was really meant to be with. He hauls the boy off his feet and spins him around, collecting the girl as he goes, until they all fall in a playful heap, laughing and tickling and so joyful. My mouth crooks at the sight of it while I sip on my tea.

Seven years. It's been seven years since I plunged that knife into Jaxon's heart. Seven years since I took over Moonlight. Seven years since there's been any trouble. With my newfound power and leadership, no one has dared to challenge Moonlight. Most packs have dissolved to join, as a matter of fact, knowing they're safer in my territory, under my reign. I've tried my hardest to be fair, loving, benevolent. Not a tyrant. Grant says I've done everything the opposite of Jaxon, which is what I purposed to do. But the head that wears the mantle is always heavy.

It wasn't long after I killed Jaxon that I realized I was pregnant. Although the child is the fruit of his manipulative soul, he's also part of me. And I can't fault a child for who his father is. And my daughter—well, she's just like me and already showing signs of being a lupus mystici at the young age of three. The man with them, my love, approaches me, a smile stretched across his kind features. He loves them. He's a father to both, despite not being the biological parent of my son. He's perfect. Everything I ever wanted in a mate.

He takes me in his arms, kisses me sweetly, then joins me in watching the children play together. "They're perfect."

"I know. I love them so much sometimes, I think I might die."

"You can't die."

"Don't remind me."

He nestles closer, laying a sweet kiss on the side of my neck. "Don't worry. Sarah will work everything out."

I sigh and lean further into him for support. I'm immortal, but my children aren't. And neither is he. Rose may be, once she gains her wolf, but there's no certainty. Mikhail definitely isn't. He's shown no signs of the gift. As it stands, it's illegal to grant anyone mortality. They made sure to do so after what Hayes did at Mistletoe. I could easily create another spell, different than the one he used, and it would work. But the Founders would have serious problems with that.

Part of me knows they can't do anything to me. I'm more powerful than any of them. But they can hurt my pack. My children. Him. So, for now, Sarah is trying to convince some influential members that it's alright in this case. That the only reason I want to use it is for love, not power. I can only pray to the Moon Goddess that she's successful. If she's not, then who knows what measures I'll have to take to ensure their safety.

"Hey," He brings me back to the present with his calming tone. "There's no need to fret over it now. Everything will work out. Their destiny is already drawn in the circle."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I whisper as my eyes follow Mikhail. Although I can't fault him for his parentage, I've noticed that he's extremely aggressive in games. He's ruthless, almost cruel, to other kids. "What if," I stop myself, hating the thought of my son being a monster, "what if he's like him?" My voice is so light, quiet, that it sounds hoarse. "What if he's just as cruel? You've seen how he is. What if—"

"Mikhail is not Jaxon," He assures me. "Yes, he can be aggressive, but all young boys can be. It's what separates him from his father that makes him special. He's kind, sensitive. I think he uses the aggression to cover it, but I try to make sure he knows it's okay to be softer."

"We have to tell him," I sigh. "Soon. He has to know the truth about his father."

"And he will. When the time is right."

We watch them play for a few minutes longer. Although dread settles over me for the future, there's also a calm atmosphere about this moment. This is my family. Not my weak father or my manipulative mother. Not Jaxon. But this. My children and him.

"I love you," He whispers in my ear as the wind picks up around us. I draw him as close as he can be and lean my head against his shoulder.

"I love you too, Grant."

Fatum Circulo Facit


1) How did you all like the ending?

2) Surprised at who she ended up being with?

3) Closing thoughts?

Thank you all SO MUCH for reading and sticking with me through the long journey this book has been on. It's been rough at some points, but I'm glad to end Isabelle's story in a positive light and give her the closure she needed. 


I. C. Judah

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