18: The Reunion

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A/N: New chapter! Reminder that I'm in grad school and I can't write as much, so PLEASE don't message me/comment about updating. I'm glad you like it, but constantly asking won't make me write any quicker. 

Hope y'all enjoy :)

The swimming hole proved to be nice, as Lea had promised. The sun now beating down on us from overhead provided enough warmth despite it being in the middle of December. I lie on my back, floating, watching the trees sway with the slight breeze. To my right, the rest are swinging off the rope into the water or splashing one another.

"Enjoying yourself?" His voice beckons to me and I smile, not looking over at him.

"Yes, I am. It's nice out here," I answer softly as the water bobs over my eyes and ears.

"You know, there are camelias on the other side of the ridge," He motions with his head toward the back side of the swimming hole. I right myself and tread water around me, peering over to see if I can catch a glimpse of them.

"They're my favorite."

"I know. Why don't you go over and pick some? I'm going to take another swing from the rope and I'll meet you over there."

I narrow my eyes slightly, wondering if this is a trick—he's going to let me go alone?

"I trust you," Is all he says, obviously catching onto my train of thought. "Don't forget your towel and shoes." He kisses my temple gently, then propels himself back through the water to the other side of the swimming hole.

I paddle myself to the edge and climb out, my feet meeting dirt and grass as I pick up my towel and dab myself off. Wiping my feet, I slide them into my sandals before embarking over the ridge and into the forest. Sure as the world, there are a couple rows of perfectly planted camelias. They can't be natural, evident from the placement, but they've also been here a while, indicative of the size of the bushes. A smile reaches my face and I plop down through the tall grass to the trees. I delicately brush my fingertips over the petals of one of the bright pink flowers and take in the sweet smell.

The wind picks up and envelops me in the aroma. I sigh—this is such a lovely place. So romantic. I hear rustling in the woods around me and I laugh, "It's about time you got here—"

Yet my jovial statement is cut short when someone grabs my from behind, placing a hand over my mouth and the other around my waist. Whoever it is picks me up and pulls me further into the trees. I struggle—kick, scream, claw—but it doesn't phase the person who holds me. The only thing I can deduce is that it's a man. At first, I thought it to be Hayes, but that long blonde hair is nowhere in sight—unless he has it pulled back, of course.

Even though it's not Hayes, it must be someone from Mistletoe because he easily crosses the salt barrier and carries me through another section of dense forestry until we reach a clearing filled with wildflowers. He finally releases me and I instantly whip around to hit him with a turning kick. He clumsily catches my ankle, so I begin pounding him with my fists instead. He barely fights me off, seemingly trying not to hurt me. I continue my assaults until I hear his voice and I finally look him in the face, "Belle!"

I stop, instantly recognizing the young man in front of me, save his new haircut, "Jon?" I pause after I say his name, taking in the shock from seeing him here, in front of me. His blue eyes reflect back at me, his brown hair now cut shorter and no longer falling into his eyes. He looks so grown. "W-What are you doing here? Why did you grab me like that?"

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