11: Pride

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I quickly wrench away from Jaxon and spin around to where I'm facing the window.

With deft fingers I reach up and touch my now swollen and pulsing lips, confusion overtaking me.

"W-Why did you do that?" I stutter before wrapping my arms about myself.

"I don't know," He answers honestly.

"Y-You can't do that, Jaxon," I stammer, supporting myself through the hold I have on the window pane.

"We're mates, Isabelle," He speaks and his footsteps draw nearer.

"Don't," I force myself to say and squeeze my eyes shut. "We both know you don't mean any of this. You just want me to redact the claim against you. I won't fall for this. You may think I'm a stupid, naive, little girl but I'm not. I'm smart, Jaxon, and since I'm smart I won't redact it. I'm going to testify against you. And there's nothing you can do about it."

I can't see him, but I can feel his anger venturing out into the room and filling up every crevice. "Then don't be surprised when I don't cut our connection," He sneers. "If I go down, you're coming with me, love."

"You do realize that if you'd been kind to me in the first place none of this would be happening?" I shoot back, turning around to look at him.

"Can't exactly change the past, can I?" He comments.

"You can make up for it," I see my small window of opportunity. "You can let me go home."

He answers without hesitation, "No."

"Why not?" I yell back, frustrated to my very core.

"Because my wolf wants you near me," He states a matter-of-factly.

"I will redact my claim against you if you let me go home," I bribe. "Then you can choose whoever you want as a Luna and you'll be able to rule and protect your pack. I'll be happy at home, you'll be happy here. It's a win-win."

"Do you realize how much your absence would disgrace me? There's no way I'll ever let you leave," He declares.

"Your pride will be the death of us both!" I yell at him, tears pooling in my eyes. "Can't you see? It's blinding you from doing what's right!"

"I am not blind, Isabelle," He steps closer to me. "I can actually see very clearly what needs to be done."

"Oh, really? And what is that?" I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're going to face my pack today... now," He announces, wrenching my wrist away from my body and pulling me towards the door.

"What?" I squeak out in disbelief, yanking myself backwards.

"I can't hide you from them. They know something isn't quite right, therefore, we will announce your induction into the pack," He says decidedly, forcing me down the stairs.

Grant and a few other pack members are standing around the island in the kitchen, their voices loud and obnoxious. However, when they spot me and Jaxon coming down, they shut up quickly.

"What's going on?" Grant asks, approaching us.

"Isabelle is going to be inducted into the pack today," Jaxon says firmly, adjusting his grip so I can no longer squirm away from him.

"I'm not," I argue, pushing against his hands that are ensnaring me.

Jaxon leans down to my ear and growls, "You will not disrespect me."

I elbow him hard in the abdomen and he wheezes out for a moment before quickly regaining his composure.

"You're going to have to hit me a lot harder than that if you want to get away," He whispers and I struggle against him.

"She doesn't seem like she wants to be inducted," Jaxon's Beta, I believe, speaks up and Jaxon death-glares him.

"She's just shy, is all," He narrows his eyes into slits and I maneuver my way out until I'm sitting on the cold floor. "She lacks social skills."

This time I narrow my eyes and scoff, "Please."

Suddenly, I remember something.

"Ha!" I exclaim, wagging my finger at Jaxon. "I can't be inducted into the pack! Only shifted wolves can and I am not shifted, ergo I cannot be inducted."

"You're not shifted?" One of the men ask and I shake my head.

"How old are you?" He continues.

"Eighteen," I state.

"Wow, you're young—"

"Yes, yes, we all know how young my mate is. Can we move on?" Jaxon says harshly and I roll my eyes. "Anyway, there is a way we can induct her without her being shifted. Mistletoe has this special potion or spell that enables an unshifted wolf to be inducted into the pack—I've seen it."

"We're at war with Mistletoe," Grant states laconically.

"If I offer their men as a trade, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to comply," Jaxon shoots back.

"What happened to the 'new mate' plan?" His beta asks.

Jaxon growls lowly, "Who are you to question me?"

He bows his head in response, "Forgive me, Alpha."

"Someone get me Hayes on the phone. I'll set up a meeting at the salt line. Jason, you and Grant go get the Mistletoe prisoners," Jaxon barks out orders and the other wolves hurry to do as he says.

"As for you," He glares down at me before hauling me up by my upper arms, "you need to get ready for induction and presentation. My mother and sisters will help you."

"I don't want to be inducted, Jaxon," I argue, digging my heels against the hardwood floor.

"Doesn't matter. This way, you'll be permanently linked to me and my pack. Makes it a little harder for you to run away," He murmurs, pulling me by the arm out of the house and into the woods.

"Plus," He shrugs, still hauling me towards the pack house, "if you have me killed, then you and all of my pack will die. Women, children, etcetera. Do you really want all of their lives on your hands?"

I freeze for a moment, my legs locking up, but Jaxon continues to pull me forward and I stumble to my knees.

He pauses to turn around and crouch in front of me, his face mere inches from mine.

"Do you want to be responsible for killing hundreds of people?"

He tips my chin up with his pointer finger.

"Do you, Isabelle?"

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