❣︎ 12 - Breakdown ❣︎

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☾︎... 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ...☽︎

The boys and I were playing beer toss in the living room when Kie came storming through.

We all turned to look at her
"Someone's in a mood" John B whispered in my ear

She picked up the keys to the twinkie and made her way to the door.

"Yo, yo, yo! Kie where are you going?" JJ followed her

Panic set in when I realised what she was doing.

I went after them "Kie! Where the hell are you going?"

"I'm going to see your dad" she replied bluntly

"What!?" I shrieked "no!"

I tried to seize her arm but she just jerked it away from me

"Hey, hey" JJ grabbed her and dragged her back into the chatue.

"JJ stop" she complained, struggling against him

"Alright, alright just listen!" He snapped, shaking her shoulders
"Your not going to see our dad" he spoke sternly

"Why not?" She questioned

He did that stupid thing he does with his face whenever he gets mad. He looked as if he was about to implode.

"Don't hurt her J" I wavered
"I'm not" he snapped back

"You just can't, okay? Our dad... Is a fucking drug addict. You won't make any sense out of what's he's saying so believe me when I tell you there is no fucking point!" His voice slightly raised towards the end

"Okay, okay" she slapped his hands away and stalked off somewhere.

"Uh... Everything alright in there?" Pope called out

"Fantastic" I replied

"Oh shit" John B muttered

"Just shut up, alright!" JJ yelled at him

"Jesus bro, calm down" he raised his hands

He pursed his lips together and paced around, his hands were in fists and he was more than ready to beat the shit out of someone.

Instead he took his anger out on the wall, pounding his fist straight into it causing tiny splinters of wood and dust to come flying off.

"Woah dude!" Pope shouted

"JJ what's going on with you? Chill the fuck out!" I demanded, grabbing his bloody fist trying to stop him from laying another punch.

"Let go" he growled

"Your gonna hurt yourself" I said, still not letting go.

I looked up at him and noticed his pastely blue eyes filling with tears.

"Shut up!" His face crumpled and he ripped his hand away from, dashing out the front door.

I stood there in shock. What the fuck just happened? First Kie and now JJ.

Innocent John B and Pope had their mouths hanging agape as they witnessed the collapse of their friends.

"Y'all good? Is it that time of the month?" JB asked

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah it seem as if y'all a little emotional, you know" Pope added

"Maybe JJ's on his man period" they spoke between themselves

"Oh and now she's going too" Pope said as I walked out the front door, slamming it shut.

"JJ?" I called out

I couldn't see him anywhere but I definitely heard a light sobbing sound. I continued to look but I still couldn't find him.

There's only one other place he could be. I swung my head under the porch and saw him crouched there with his hands over his face.

My heart dropped at the sight, I never see him cry.

"JJ..?" J spoke softly

"What do you want" he said, fiercely wiping his face

I crawled under and sat down besides him "what's up, eh?"

"Everything!" He choked out

"Okay, just let it all out. Name every single thing that's bothering you"

"This is so stupid" he mumbled

"Come onnn" I persisted

He sighed "Im pretty sure Kie's onto something here but like imagine if she did make it to dad's, think about what would've happened. He could of easily hurt her and then he'd kill us afterwards. And just l-look at your own face, it hurts seeing what that phsyco did to you" he rambled

I stared down at the mud, trying to process everything he's saying.

"And-and that thing that happened with you last night, like I can't just forget that you know. Honestly what the fuck was that!? I want to know Cassie, I want to help you" he sobbed

"JJ..." I started, feeling a lump form in my throat

"I don't want your pathetic excuses, just fucking tell me!" He screeched

I cut him off by giving him a massive hug, at first he was reluctant but then he melted into the hug and sobbed on my shoulder.

"I'm just so sick of it Cass, then I got so fucking angry and I couldn't control it. Like Kie was just pissing me off, I-I didn't mean to hurt her"

"It's okay, it's okay" I whispered

It reminded me of last night, I want to comfort him the way he did for me. We stayed like that for a few minutes until he decided he'd had enough and shuffled away.

"Sorry I don't-I don't wanna hurt you. Your just so tiny" he said

"You are a giant but your not that big" I chuckled lightly

He strained a smile and sucked in a deep breath, trying too cool down.

"Sorry bout that. I don't know what happened there" he wiped his eyes one last time

"You know that you don't have to prove your 'masculinity' all the time. It's okay to cry" I tried to reassure him.

"Not really" he muttered

He's always made a big deal out of blubbering, he hates it. And that's partly dad's fault because all of JJ's life he's constantly been telling him to man up.

I'm breaking the group. I know I'm going to have to tell them at some point but I want to try and hold it off for as long as possible.

I know JJ's gonna freak when he finds out and it's not gonna end well for him...

Kie came out a few minutes later followed by JB and Pope.

"I am really, really sorry guys. It was stupid of me and I just wasn't thinking" she stammered an apology

"It's okay...Kie" I mumbled, I am a very easily forgiving person and that isn't always a good thing.

"So I'm cool if you're cool" she swung her arms round us

"We're cool" We both nodded just wanting things to get back to normal

At the end of the day I know that Kiara was only trying to help us...

Okayyy so the last few chapters have been quite depressing but I promise you the next one will be a bit lighter. But believe me some really heavy shit is gonna come along a bit later.

It's not looking great for Cass... Or JJ either, and basically the whole group tbh.

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now