❣︎ 14 - JJ and the baby ❣︎

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✌︎... 𝑱𝑱 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ... ✌︎

We had to take a boat to get to mainland, it was a nice area beside the coast and you could see the Outer Banks from the beach.

"Oh my goddd, they're so cute" Kie squeled as the two kids went running up to her

"Curlyyy" the 6 year old girl grabbed her hair

She chuckled lightly as the girl started collecting all her hair into her own tiny fist.

"Oh wow, they seem to like you more then me" Pope said in a tone of fake sadness

"Sorry Pope but they're mine now" she giggled

"Don't worry dude, you'll always have me" I patted his back

"Oh god, no. I'd rather die then be sentenced to a life with you" he joked

"Love you too, man" I blew a sarcastic kiss at him

"Oh, hey Az" Pope picked up the little boy and swung him round "how you doing bud?

"Az? Cool name" I nodded

"His real names Aspen, I just always call him Az" Pope explained

I nodded again, sticking my hands in my pocket. I don't trust myself around kids, I don't want to hurt them. Some part of me is worried that I'm exactly like my dad. Afterall I am his son, and there's this saying "like father, like son"

"Popie, Pope. Can you take us to the beach" the girl called out excitedly

"Maybe later Addie, gotta speak to your mum first"

"Cute names, eh?" Kie nudged my shoulder "Adalyn and Aspen"

"Yeah they're adorable" I said monotonically

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked

"Nothing. Nothing Kie" I strained a smile

The mother of the two kids came out with a small baby on her hip. He's got tan skin with a flop of fluffy brown hair on his head and big, bright blue eyes.

She noticed me staring and walked straight up to me.
"Wanna hold him?"

"I-uh no, I-I've never held a ba - oh okay" My whole body stiffened as the light weight of the baby was dropped into my arms.

"It's alright, he's not gonna bite you" the woman chuckled "whats your name?"

"JJ" I replied, gently hoisting the baby up

"JJ? Okay well this is Cohen"

"Hey buddy" I cooed, beginning to relax a little as Cohen snuffled his warm head into my chest.

"He likes you already" she said "well I gotta finish something off, are you okay with him for a moment?"

"Uh yeah, sure" I said, enjoying Cohen's company.

Baby's are like a drug, I never realised how good and relaxed they make you feel. Having their warm, tiny body pressed against yours makes you feel safe, in a way. And knowing that they're trusting you with their life feels equally amazing.

"Never thought I'd live to see the day" Kiara walked over to me " Our JJ. JJ Maybank, holding a baby"

"Damn that's gotta be new" Pope added

I smiled, slightly rocking little Cohen backwards and forwards.

"I'm like a kinder egg then, surprise every time" I spoke quitely, not wanting to scare the baby with my apparently 'loud' voice.

"Can I keep him?" I directed this question to Pope

"Haha. Your life isn't very suited to having a baby, is it JJ?"

I pouted.

"I guess... My pull out games just really strong, but I could easily get kids if I wanted to" I smirked

"Yeah yeah, just gotta find a girl who'd be willing to carry YOUR KIDS" Kie empasised.

"Pfttt, easy"

"Mhh... Sure"

"What about you, Kie?"

"Oh fuck off JJ"

☘︎... 𝑲𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ...☘︎

It's been a few hours since we arrived here and now Pope, JJ and I have taken the two kids down to the beach.

JJ was reluctant to give the baby back to his mama, he wanted to bring him down to the beach with us — but to no surprise at all she said 'no'.

He seems a lot less frightened now. He's settled down by playing soldiers with Aspen. They were marching across the beach, saluting each and every seagull as it passed. And with the ones they didn't like, JJ pretended to shoot it.

I understand why he was so scared. JJ's got this phsycological thing telling him he'd be shit with kids and a shitty father, just like his own. But from what I've seen — that's not true.

Pope and I were attempting to teach Adalyn how to surf, it wasn't proper seeing as we only had a floaty flamingo but it seemed to satisfy her enough.

"Next time we come over, I'll bring my surfboard, how about that eh? And then you can properly surf like a big girl"

"Yes, yes, yes" she splashed the water

"Salty" Pope spat out a bunch of sea water.

The girl found this hilarious and started cackling, so much so she fell off the flamingo.

We didn't realise how far we had gone out until I noticed that my feet weren't touching the floor.

"Get her up, get her up"

We hauled the choking girl out the water, struggling because the weight of her was pushing us under.

"I got her Kie, I got her. We need to get her back on the flamingo" he demanded

I let go of them and retrieved the floaty flamingo that that had gone out even further.

I bought it back as fast as I could and we placed Adalyn onto it.

"Fu- Addie are you okay? Ads?" He patted her back

She coughed and spluttered. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but for a 6 year old child who doesn't know how to swim — it is a big deal.

I ran my hands through my soaking hair.

"Okay I think that's enough water for today" I said, starting to push her back to shore.

"Yeah, I don't like water anymore" she wavered


We were all camped out on the beach now and we even made a mini campfire. JJ was telling horror stories of the time he was chased by some sort of yeti. It's all made up bullshit but I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty funny.

"JJ don't scare them" I chuckled as he got to the 'scary part'.

The kids were hooked onto his every word.

"And then BAM! That motherfucker came swinging out at me so you know what I did? I hit him right back in the jaw"

"JJ don't swear" I slapped his arm

"Gotta teach em young"

I just rolled my eyes.

This whole day had proven to me that JJ was actually pretty good with kids. I just wished I had atleast taken a picture of him holding the baby. It was sooo cute. He'd be a great father one day ...

Alright I know this chapter is kinda shit and your prolly thinking it was unnecessary but trust me this will be quite important for future chapters.

Very sorry for not updating in so long. I'm in Canada now so ig that means I'll be similar time zones to all my American and Canadian readers.

Stay safe everyone 💗

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now