❣︎ 21 - The first sign ❣︎

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☾︎... 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑷𝑶𝑽...☽︎

"Hurry up Pope, trains leaving!" John B yelled at him to get out the door quicker.

"Tell papa you'll be home later" JJ added

"Alright, trains departing dude" JB started to slowly pull away from the drive which caused Pope to start sprinting.

He finally caught up and jumped in, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Assholes" he panted while JJ and John B were cackling.

"Since when is the twinkie a train?" I asked while giggling

"Choo Choo bitches" Kie yelled

"Guys it's not funny, my old man's gonna kill me" Pope rolled his eyes

"Don't worry dude, at least you'll die knowing you lived a good life spent with us" JJ joked

"I'm living the nightmare" he sighed

"Awe c'mon buddy, ya know that ain't true" JJ swung his arm over him

"Stop worrying pope, here" I offered him a blunt

"No thanks-"

"Who the fuck gave you that?" JJ snatched it out my hands

"Hey, you smoke all the time so why can't I?" I complained

"It's different. Your little lungs can't handle this shit"

I scoffed.

"Again?" Pope asked pointing at JJ's bruised jaw

"Mhm" he simply nodded whilst lighting the blunt

"Dude he can't keep doing that to you" he sighed

JJ shrugged, " who's got the beers?"

"Save them for the boat" Kiara said

"Yeah man, if you guzzle them all now we ain't gonna have any left for the Pogue" John B called back


"Cheers to JJ, who is about to become a daddy" John B held up his beer and we all did the same

We explained the whole story and let's just say the only person that was impressed was John B.


The sun was beggining to set on the Pogue and we were all just chilling and chatting.

"Okay guys I have a good one. If you had to take a shot for every dumb thing you did, how drunk would you be?" Pope asked

"A little tipsy" Kie shrugged

"Pretty drunk" I smiled

"Completely wasted" John B chuckled

"Dead" JJ stated

We all burst out laughing at this, JJ just smiled proudly.

"Oh look it's Sarah Cameron and her group of cum guzzlers!" JJ pointed at the boat speeding past us

"Ugh, the princess has her entire Barbie squad with her" Kiara scoffed

"That boat is the kookiest shit I've ever seen" I said, looking at the massive glamorous yacht.

"Woo hoo!" John B and Pope cheered as the boat sped past, splashing water all over us

"CUM GUZZLING WHORES" JJ yelled at them

The boat suddenly stopped and reversed.

"Shut the fuck up DRUNKO" one of the girls yelled back

"BITCHHH" Kie screeched

"Jesus christ" I laughed at the two


"Okay calm down buddie" John B slammed a hand over his mouth and moved him over to the seat before he collapsed

"How high are you?" Pope questioned

"Uhh.. 6 foot?" JJ replied

"Not that type of high dumbass" he flicked the blonde's head

"Oww that hurt" JJ complained


"Daddy chillll" JJ exclaimed

"I ain't your daddy, but your about to be one" he rolled his eyes

"There's no way JJs gonna be able to look a after a kid, he's a child himself" Kie added

"Shut up Kie, I'm gonna be a great father"

"Look we gonna get her an abortion alright, we just gotta save up the money for it" I spoke up for JJ who was to high and drunk to speak for himself.

"Okay let's just get him home" John B sighed

The next morning:

I opened my eyes and started at the ceiling. Why is it spinning?

And what is that God awful smell? It smells like... bacon

I rushed to the bathroom and violently threw up. "What the fuck...?" I whispered to myself

I stumbled into the kitchen after I had cleaned myself up, "is that bacon?" I asked, covering my nose

"Uh yes..." John B said, giving me a wierd look

"It's making me sick" I exclaimed opening all the doors and windows to let in some air.

"Since when do you get sick from the smell of bacon? You love this stuff"

"Not anymore" I mumbled, feeling the urge to throw up again so I stepped outside into the cool morning air.

"Hey you okay?" JB asked, sitting next to me on the step.

"Yeah, probably just some stupid hangover" I said

"Really? You didn't even drink that much though" he mentioned

"Low tolerance?" I shrugged

He gave me a disbelieving look

"What?" I furrowed my brows at him

"Nothing" he said "uhh JJ's passed out on the couch"

"Of course he is" I rolled my eyes

He left to go and finish cooking breakfast.

Short chapter but the next few chapters are gonna be pretty damn interesting and surprising too.

Also question for y'all (if your comfortable answering) how old are you? I wanna know which audience this is getting too.

I'm 15 btw :)

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now