08 ~ A Shakespeare Story

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"We're ready when you are, Carson. And to my three witches, don't get distracted when it's your turn," Miss Ardolf stated, but I couldn't help but hear a snort come from someone in the classroom. The snort soon turned into a quiet giggle as the person tried to contain their laughter.

I felt annoyed, thinking that the person might be laughing at me. I turned to my left and saw a blonde guy in a striped sweater resting his chin in his palm, looking deeply engrossed in the book before him. To my right was another guy, dressed formally with neatly slicked-back hair, who was busy chewing on the tip of his pen.

If it wasn't either of these two guys, then who could it be?

I looked around, and everyone else in the classroom had a serious expression. I tilted my head back in confusion when Carson began reading.

As reading commenced, further explanations were given.

Meanwhile, I tried to focus and tame my curiosity, but soon failed and turned around in my seat to look at the person behind me. It was Abigail, and I immediately felt guilty for not speaking to her since our last argument. She looked down at me with a fond smile, teasing me as I had been assigned the role of the third witch in the classroom reading. However, I was relieved to see that she wasn't holding a grudge towards me despite my outburst towards her in front of everyone the day before. As a way of making it up to her, I promised to share all the details with her about what had happened between the British boy and me. Good gossip always lightened her mood.

With that thought in mind, I tilted my head forward – but then I spotted him. Alessio. He was seated farther to the right of Abigail and was staring intently at me. His large build was relaxed in his seat, like he owned the place, and he was sucking the tip of his pen like it was a tasty lollipop.

Then he suddenly winked at me, his face revealing a sense of lightheartedness despite the serious atmosphere in the classroom.

My cheeks burned red and the nerve cells in my tummy were acting up.

Alessio's mouth twisted into a wry smile which only perfected his impeccable physique, and for a split second, I felt fear.
My stomach churned as I thought, Alessio is too good for me.

"Our third witch!" Miss Ardolf's stern voice as well as Abigail's giggle distracted me. It was my turn to read and the tall woman stood in front of me in all her grace, clearly displeased with me.

I looked at her apologetically and proceeded to read.

Just great.

"Sister, where thou?" I read.

Wilma was next. A whole lot of words that took longer than expected. She finally finished and it was the turn of the second witch. It went on and on with us taking turns in reading until our part ended.

"Enter MACBETH and BANQUO" Carson, a rather plump guy seated a few seats away to my left read, and Miss Ardolf ended the lesson.

"When we meet again, we'll discuss further into details. Leave the books there, I'll instruct the librarians to come for them. Have a nice day." Miss Ardolf announced and as she watched the class disperse, she looked my way.

I read the line in book, "'Sister, where thou?'" and passed the torch to Wilma, who took longer than expected to finish her lines. The second witch took her turn, and we continued reading our parts until it was time for our scene to end.

"Enter Macbeth and Banquo," announced Carson, a heavyset guy seated a few seats to my left, and Miss Ardolf promptly called an end to the lesson.

"We will discuss further details when we meet again. Leave your books here, and I'll arrange for the librarians to collect them. Have a nice day, everyone," concluded Miss Ardolf, watching as the class dispersed. I felt nervous as she looked in my direction before strutting away.

Abigail approached me and said, "Ha! You looked so foolish when you entered!"

I quickly apologized, "Hey, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have acted the way I did."

"No, Destiny, I'm sorry. You were reminded of things you weren't supposed to be reminded of and it was all my fault."

There was silence after her words.

"Chicken nuggets?" I broke the silence.

She beamed at my offer and we both headed for the cafeteria. Once there, I narrated everything that happened between Alessio and I, t𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 her carefully that it was all a huge misunderstanding. This time she didn't try to convince me to accept Alessio like she did last time. It wasn't my fault I didn't trust the fellow. He was a nice guy. He had the looks, the charms, and was dominating in all aspects. The kiss from last night awoke feelings I hadn't experienced in a long time. Feelings I planned on shutting out forever. But I wasn't willing to give him a chance because my last relationship left me broken. I was the toughest girl with the baddest attitude but when I loosened up to give myself a chance at this thing called love, he broke me.

I met Mark Davis during my junior year of high school. Our meeting was a bit romantic, or so I thought. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was watching my brother play in the park while seated on a bench. My mom didn't trust Jason and was worried he might get into a fight he couldn't win. So, I had to babysit him. I was so frustrated and angry that I didn't notice someone had joined me on the bench.

"Are you okay?" the voice asked, and I turned to see a guy with dark hair, wet pink lips, and perfect eyes and nose. He introduced himself as Mark, and we hit it off from there. Despite not attending the same school or living in the same neighborhood, we found a way to see each other. We started dating, and Mark was a sweet and attentive boyfriend.

After he became the first guy to claim my virginity, I was convinced he was the one. I wanted to introduce him to my mom and prove to Jason that I had finally loosened up. However, every time I brought up the topic, we'd argue and he'd storm off. He kept telling me he wasn't ready, and I dropped the topic eventually. We continued dating in secret until my first year of college, where we were both going to the same school. Just when I thought our love was going to bloom, Mark did the worst thing possible.


WORD COUNT: 1513 words




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