26 ~ Karma's a bitch, brother

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When he entered the room, he held his hips, his trench coat pulling back so I could see the firearm secured in the holster at his right hip. He stared into the dimness where I sat and soon approached me. "I'm Detective Waylen Hoffman," he said, passingly displaying his credentials before sitting across from me. He breathed out a lazy sigh. "Let's take this at a more sedate pace, mm? I'm here for you, Mr. Edwards."

"I haven't done anything!" I slammed the table in frustration and got on my feet.

"Sit down, Mr Edwards, you're clearly in no position to protest."

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Sit. Down." His hands lay study on his gun. Any other move against him and he was going to pull it out and shoot me. It would have been declared as self defense against a criminal.

I sat my butt down.

"Your friends did tell me you were quite aggressive and now I've seen for myself."

I frowned. "Friends? What friends?" Carl? Destiny? They were the only people I had been hanging out with recently

"Rory, Rhys, Muhammad. Ringing a bell?"

Oh. The other three guys from our once united gang. They had been with Mark all this while.

"Yes. I know them."

"Now, why you ceased to be friends with them will have to wait another day. Tell me, Mr Edwards-"

"The formalities are not necessary," I snapped.

Whenever he smiled, deep wrinkles formed around his eyes. His blue Iris exudes warmth, but there was nothing warming about his presence. I knew he saw me as one of those lying cold blooded murderers. He hated my whole being and existence but showed it quite calmly.

"I am a very respectful man, Mr Edwards. Very stubborn, too."

Of course he is.

"Tell me how your day went on July 15 this year."

The day I bought a gun and paid Mark a visit. Biggest mistake of my life.

"I...um... I-"

"Cooking up a lie? Not very advisable if I must say."

Ignoring, I continued.

"I took my girlfriend..." I trailed off at the thought of Destiny. Now wasn't the time to hail Carl and paint me as the bad guy for not listening to him, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I became at myself.

"I'm listening, Mr Edwards."

Ugh. "I took my girlfriend to a motorcycle rental a friend of mine owned so she could get trained into riding a motorcycle. After there, I left for a club - Club Nova-"

"With your girlfriend?"

"No. I left her with my friend at the Rentals."

"How many drinks did you have when you left this club?"


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