09 ~ Tears

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Out of the blue, Mark accused me of cheating on him. At the time, I loved him with my all and would have never stooped so low. But he still didn't believe me and suggested he move in with me so that we would be closer. Though it could have been the other way round, I didn't question him because I didn't like fighting with him.

The already strong connection we had then became stronger and I couldn't have asked for anything else. Although, in my first year of college, I'd notoriously skip classes - which obviously wasn't really helpful. But lovestruck Princess Destiny just couldn't say no when her Prince Charming requested for a dance or two. During that time that I'd dodge important lessons, I'd spend it with Mark doing what couples did best, movies, et cetera.
And at night, we'd mostly cuddle up in each other's arms, limiting sex at most.

But then I guess I wasn't the Cleopatra this Mark here seeked. Eventually, his suspicions arose again and we one day argued gruesomely all because he had spotted me with a guy. He thought I had something to do with that particular guy and well, he ended up slapping me. My face burned hot with embarrassment as well as indignation.

How dare he!

I stormed to my room that instant and locked myself.  If he was going to say sorry, he was gonna have to save it. But as I didn't hear him bang the door to let him in so that he could apologize for what he did, I cried myself to sleep. The next day when I came out, Mark was nowhere to be found in the apartment. I concluded that he must've felt so bad for what he did and might have left to go prepare an apology speech. So I decided to skip school that day and wait till he came back.

He came back later in the night. We fought yet again. And this time he pushed me so hard, I lost consciousness.

I regained consciousness to find myself lying at the same spot where I fell - with Mark absent!

And that's when I knew it.

I sensed the danger fast approaching.

As painful as it was going to be, I couldn't be with him anymore. It was around midnight when the brute showed up. Maintaining a careful space between us, I calmly dumped his ass. Surprisingly, he didn't say a word. I silently watched as he packed out, stoic like never before.
Honestly, I was expecting a 'I'm sorry.' or 'Babe, we can work this out.' or 'It doesn't have to end like this.'
Anything to save our relationship! But he rather slammed my door, almost breaking it.

I locked myself up for two weeks with nothing but my favorite snack oreos and a whole lot of junk food to keep me company. If I had not received a call from the school questioning my absence, I would have probably never left my apartment.

Heartbreak did really hurt I guess.

For five weeks I was doing fine when one fateful night I got home really late. I stood before my door with my keys, ready to enter when someone's heavy hands gripped my mouth and covered my nose so tightly I couldn't scream nor breathe. My vision blurred and I passed out.

When my eyes shot open, all I saw was darkness. It seemed I had been blindfolded. I tried moving and realised my hands had been tied up tightly behind my back while tied to a chair along with my tied feet. It was no doubt duck tape that covered my mouth.

I had been kidnapped and it was none other than Mark's doing. The asshole told me that I hurt his feelings when I broke up with him. That no girl ever dumped him and went away with it. So he was going to make me pay?

As I sat there confused, someone from behind forced my head up. Mark then slapped me so hard, the sound echoed. My cheeks were on fire and I could feel my sight fade even under the blindfolds.

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