Chapter 1: Marinette's Life

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~3rd person pov~

Diamonds are the known to be the toughest material there is, beautiful and strong. Marinette was a true diamond. Beautiful, strong and a caring heart. But even she had a limit. 17 year old Marinette from the young age of 13 has gone through so much, all alone. Ladybug was her secret to keep till death, her burden to carry. But to go so long with so much pressure on her back, and her back alone, she was shattering. That one small crack day by day growing bigger and bigger and bigger...

Her world was pretty much perfect for a while, she has wonderful and caring family, a dream to achieve for when she was older, and amazing friends-or so she thought.

One day, her life completely changed.

She didn't know that one act of kindness could land in this hell she called life. To Adrien, Cat Noir gave him freedom. To Marinette, Ladybug took away her freedom. In truth, Ladybug wasn't the reason she hated her life, a little liar called Lila Rossi was.

Lila, who turned all her friends against her. Lila, who completely destroyed her self confidence. Lila, who was a manipulative liar and made ever day of Marinette's life physical and mental torture.

The only thing keeping her sane these days were the kwamis, who always supported her, her parents, who were with her every step of the way, and her other alter ego, famous celebrity fashion designer MDC. This alter ego was not a burden, pushed on her unknowing and unwillingly, but a safe haven and a distraction from her life. 

Her success as MDC was almost unbelievable. it all started when her dear friend Clara Nightingale, approached her asking for a red carpet dress for a prestigious and worldwide award show. Of course she was honored and created a dress to the best of her abilities, the end result looking stunning. 


Interviewer: So Clara, who designed your gorgeous dress, it looks designer!

(smiling broadly) Clara: A new and upcoming designer, MDC, who I am sure with her capabilities will stun the world with her designs!

~End Flashback~

That was the start of her popularity. She kept herself anonymous, her trademark MDC initials stitched carefully in gold into every piece she made, sometimes hidden, sometimes showing.

The age of 16 for her was... she was close to committing suicide, but her responsibilites and the kwamis kept her from not.

Hawkmoths akumas got deadlier, as they went. If it weren't for Ladybug's Miraculous Cure, the death toll would have topped the charts. When he akumatized Syren, not everybody was able to make it to higher ground in time, the end result was... devastating. Not even Ladybug could heal mental damages caused by akumas, gruesome memories haunted peoples minds, though the Magic Charms certainly helped for the people who have them. (if u don't know what they r, u should see season 4). Lila had officially turned her class against her, except for nino, adrien and -surprisingly- Chloe. The whole Miracle Queen situation had been a wake up call for her, and almost cried when marinette - marinette, the same one she bullied since she was 9 -was the only one who welcomed her with open arms.

After a long and tiring battle, they defeated Hawkmoth, and figured out his identity. Gabriel was a broken man. Ladybug offered mercy, and didn't reveal his identity. Gabriel, Natalie and Adrien, who renounced the Miraculous of the Black Cat and moved to London to live with Felix And Amelie, and finally accepted the fact that Emilie was not coming back. Paris celebrated for days on being freed from the clutches of Hawkmoth, the festivites both grand and joyous. Adrien and Marinette now have a brother/sister relationship, since Marinette long got over Adrien. 

After that life became considerably more bearable. She had a lot more free time now, and was able to attend parties and gathering more, that she couldn't before. Not within her class, they all shared a braincell and believed lie-la, so they didn't invite marinette. But outside of her class, with people who had some braincells and new how to use them, where she met new people and made some friends too. Her popularity also immediately increased within the school, with people arguing about who got to sit next to her in assemblies and mixed class lessons.

Her smile became as rare as a blue moon, although anyone who was lucky enough to see one, or to hear her beautiful laugh, their day would immediately become better. She had been planning to move away from Paris, start over somewhere far away with a clean slate, but she hadn't fixed on it yet. She was a little bit worried about what her parents would say, though now there was nothing holding her back keeping her in Paris, Hawkmoth was long gone.


The start of my book! I hope you liked it. 816 words! This was just a bit of an explantion on where and when we are and what is going on this book.

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