Chapter 13: A Late Night Movie

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"We're back!" Selina said, to be answered by loud thuds and people tripping over while they rushed down to meet them. or rather, to meet Marinette, Damien following closely with an amused look on his face as he stared after his idiot brothers.




and in the end they all ended up in the living room with Marinette answering their questions.

Timeskip 3 hours

They had all calmed down considerably by now, and were now sprawled around the living room watching a movie to make up for Marinette's failed birthday. The movie had just finished and everyone were yawning, Jason had fallen asleep on the floor, resting his head on the sofa. Tim looked around and grinned.

"Jason wake up, wake up."

"What is it replacement?"

He grumpily woke up and looked at what Dick was ogling at. He smirked. oh he would never hear the end of this. He may as well start writing the wedding speech now. Marinette and Damien had fallen asleep during the movie, she had her head buried in the crook of his neck and Damien's head rested on hers. The blanket Alfred had covered them with was now laying loosely on their laps. They took pictures like mad, they couldn't risk these pictures being deleted or such.


Marinette woke up slowly early Wednesday morning, her eyes still closed. She could feel the warm rise and fall of Damien's chest underneath her head. She gently kisses his forehead and carefully gets up as to not wake anybody up and ready for school.

Soon everybody was at the breakfast table having food when Bruce started,

"Right, there will be a charity ball on Friday, quite big, and you all have to go, yes Damien you have to and I was wondering if you wanted to join as well Marinette?"

Marinette looked up surprised, "Really?"

"Of course"

"Um, sure, I'd be honoured."

"Great, you could accompany demon spawn here, he always goes alone-" Jason was interrupted.

"voluntarily" he said, rolling his eyes, but secretly he hoped she would.

"Actually, there's something else, the French class touring here will also be invited, I hope that's ok with you?" he asked nervously. Everyone stiffened when he said that. When the boys told him her story he had to try very hard to keep a stoic face (and partially failed) and had to try very hard not snap his pen.

Timeskip to school

It was a lunchtime and as usual Damien, Marinette, Jon and Gwen sat at their table. On another table on the other side of the grounds, a certain Valerie Summers was boasting loudly about how her parents had been invited to the upcoming Wayne gala, and how she was going with them. Everyone was slowly losing their sanity, and Damien was practically growling and Marinette just looked plain annoyed, with Gwen rubbing her back. Why was it always these kind of people the God just throws headfirst into her life?

"If she actually shows up I swear I will-" but Damien was interrupted by the bell. What he would do they never asked, they had a feeling they would be glad they didn't later on. Apart from that there wasn't much happening in school these days, and while other students groaned, Marinette cherished these days, its normality, how she would know what would happen the next day. For years she had lost sleep at night thinking what was going to happen at school the next day, worried for her mental and physical health. Since she was 13 she had been neglecting her needs to put others first, the people of Paris where her responsibility, her entire purpose in those years was to serve, to protect, to help. Her own needs first would have been selfish, right? The past few weeks were the best of her life.

Then she remembered, they were here, she always knew would have to face them eventually, she couldn't hide forever, because that was what she had been doing hadn't she? Hiding, taking some time off for herself, finally putting some light on her needs, her health. But had she changed? Or was she still the same pushover she was before?

"Marinette, you ok?" she was brought out of her thoughts by Gwen.

"Yeah, of course, just thinking, nothing important." she said with a smile. Gwen shrugged and turned back to the teacher.

But that thought lingered in the back of her head for the rest of the day.


747 words

Yes it's me! I'm alive and back with another chapter! I suppose this was more of a filler but I really wanted to have a laid back kind of chapter to show character development in the past couple chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter so pls vote, comment and share. Stay Safe everyone! 💖😘

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