Lay me Down Chapter 26

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 Shoutoutsz to @rubi_ale for the new cover. I personally love it! What do you guys think? Anyways I really appreciate her doing that.

I woke up the next morning before anybody else. I slowly made my way out of bed trying not to wake up Jenny who occupied the other side. I grabbed some clothes and walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The skin around my eyes were darkened due to the mascara and eyeliner that had ran and smudged during the process of crying last night. My hair was in a disarray on my head. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes from my body. I hopped in and let the warm water consume me along with my thoughts. The water ran down my body and the thoughts ran through my mind. You fuck a bunch of guys, why can't I do a bunch of girls? It broke my heart hearing him say those things to me. I kept trying to remind myself that he didn't mean it. If they paid me would we be even? He had thrown everything back in my face. I was starting to think again that I had no one in this world. No matter what, everybody would hurt you in some kind of way; perhaps not purposely but it would eventually happen. We hurt the ones we love the most.

I ran my hands through my hair trying to detangle it. The water was beginning to turn tepid so I increased my speed. How long had I been in here? I finished and put on some shorts and a hoodie.  I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jenny still lying there motionless. I slipped my feet into some flip flops and walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind me. I assumed that the guys were still asleep because I heard no noises, not that I wanted them to be awake. I really was not looking forward to seeing Carter at the moment. I wasn't mad at him, I was just hurt. He didn't need to say he was sorry because his forgiveness was already granted. I knew it wasn't him, exactly, saying those things . . . well at least I hope it wasn't. You never know though, people tend to speak the truth when they're drunk. They state how they really feel, something they can't summon the courage to do when they are sober.

I slid the door to the patio open and I walked outside closing it behind me. The big ball of fire had not been in the sky for too long so the air was still cool. The breeze from the ocean was cold causing me to shiver. I walked out toward the beach. I lowered myself onto the sand when I was closer to the shore and looked up towards the sky. The clouds were a grayish color indicating that it might rain which explained the cool breeze.

I averted my eyes back towards the sea and stared at it. For how long? I don't know, but long enough for someone to join me. I jumped when Carter sat down next to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey." The wind had grown stronger and the waves tousled with the sea. Carter reached out towards me but I flinched, turned my head, and moved away from his touch all at once.


"I guess I deserve that."

I looked at him as last night came roaring into my mind. I felt the tears rise, but I'd be damned to let them fall. "You remember?" I questioned looking out towards the ocean.


"No, but Jay and Jenny told me everything. I'm so sorry Lizzie. I have no control over what I say when I'm drunk. I shouldn't have even gotten wasted. It's just that . . . I just saw you dancing with that guy who had his hands all over you and you weren't stopping him. I guess I got jealous and angry and took more shots to sustain it." He paused and then started again. "I know that's no excuse Lizzie, but I didn't mean anything I said."

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