Lay Me Down Chapter 55 (COMPLETED)

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So this chapter is sort of crappy to me, but i know it's been a while since i posted so here it goes. I finally finished. I hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for sticking with me throughout it. :D Comments and thoughts are appreciated. Also i have started two new stories so go check them out. They are called DANGEROUSLY SAFE and MYA'S CHOICE



“Wait Carter!” I said pulling on his hand as he walked towards the house.

“What?” He said turning back around.

“How do I look?” I asked him. He laughed.

“Lizzie you look beautiful as always. It’s just my mom and Sasha that doesn’t matter anyways.” He told me.

“But Carter w—“

“Why are you so nervous?” He asked cutting me off.

“I don’t know” I replied honestly. “What if they don’t realize it?” I asked him.

“Trust me they will!” he said. “Just try to flash it.” He said. I sighed this plan was not my forte. We were standing outside Carmen’s house. The plan was to try to get them to notice the ring on my finger, but I really didn’t think they would because they weren’t necessarily looking for it.

“Come on Lizzie what’s wrong? You know they love you, so they will be ecstatic to welcome you into the family. Are you sure that this is what you really want?”He questioned. What? How could he think that I didn’t want this?

“Carter of course it’s what I want! I’ve never wanted anything else as much as I want you. I just think we should lead them up to this moment. They still think you are with Ariel.”

“This is what I call going out with a bang.” He stated. I chuckled. “Come on everything will be fine.” He said as he pressed his lips against mine. “You ready?” I nodded. “Alright come on. Remember be flashy.” He said once again. I laughed. We reached the door and he knocked before twisting the knob. It was open so we walked in.

“Mom,” He called out. I heard her footsteps and I removed my hand from Carter’s.  She appeared from around the corner seconds later.

“Hey! What are you two doing here?” She questioned.

“We just thought that we would come visit.” I told her while giving her a hug. “Where’s Sasha?” I asked.

“She’s upstairs in her room.” She informed me.

“I’ll be right back.” I told them before jogging up the stairs. I knocked on her door and she mustered a  ‘come in’. I walked inside and she was lying on her bed. I went and jumped on the bed next to her.

“What you doing?’ I asked her.

“Nothing, what are you doing here?” She asked.

Lay Me DownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora