Lay Me Down Chapter 38

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“So what happened?” I asked Sasha once Carmen had gone to take a shower and Ariel and Carter had gone back into their room.

“Okay, so mom said that they had gone shopping for dinner because Carter practically made them and when they were in the grocery store and Ariel said something about that she wished mothers didn’t have to come along with their sons. Mom said that she told her if she had a problem with her maybe she shouldn’t be dating her son because Carter will pick his mom over Ariel any day and then mom said that they just got in this big argument and that she doesn’t even remember what was really said because she was so mad and she said Ariel closed the door in her face which made her furious.” 

I just listened intently as Sasha told me all this. Damn, Ariel was a bitch. We really hadn’t gotten into it. The only time she had acted rude, was when she told me not to go swimsuit shopping with Carter.

“I wonder how everything will play out today,” I said to Sasha.

“We should just ditch Arie—“ Sasha stopped when she heard the door open. Carter and Ariel emerged from the room. Ariel didn’t look too happy and neither did Carter.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked Sasha trying to get rid of the silence.

“I guess we are just going to walk the strip.”  

“Are we just waiting for Carmen?”  


Sasha and I sat there in silence while Ariel and Carter occupied the couch. Carmen finally exited the room.

“Come on let's go walk the strip,”she said as she came into the room. We nodded and got up to leave and so did Ariel and Carter.

“You guys are coming?” Sasha inquired.

“Yea, why wouldn’t we,” Carter questioned. 

I saw Carmen roll her eyes out of my peripheral vision. Sasha shrugged her shoulders and we all left the Condo. 

The sun was blazing and I was hot as hell, even though all I had on was shorts and a halter top. We ended up going to some arcade and stayed there for hours. When we left the air had cooled and there was a small breeze blowing in from the ocean. My hair swirled in the wind as I walked on the sizzling pavement. We walked the same route that we had taken yesterday. When Carter spotted the ball that flew into the air he wanted to get on it.

“Come on Ariel let’s ride it,” he begged.

“What? No! The wires could break!”  

“Come on baby, please?” 

“No Carter.” 

He turned towards Sasha but she quickly said,“Oh no.”

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